background image


















































































































































































































































































































































































The standard, or “open” differential provides two functions:

1. Transmits engine power via the drive train to the wheels to move the vehicle; and

2. Allows differential action between the two wheels–permits them to rotate at different speeds

during cornering to eliminate drive train damage and tire scuffing.

The standard differential design always provides equal amounts of power to each wheel  Thus, in normal

driving with no tire slippage, half (50%) of the incoming engine power is transmitted to each wheel, or

50-50. In a slippery traction situation, if one wheel spins with only 10% of the engine power applied to it

the other wheel also receives only 10% of the power, or 10-10. This means that the vehicle is trying to

move with only 20% of the total power applied to the ground such that it may not move. The vehicle is


Your new Torq-Masters Aussie Locker overcomes the traction deficiencies of the open differential by

providing as much as 100% of the available power to either wheel (100-0) when the other one is on a

slick surface or even off the ground in a hole, yet it also allows the wheels to rotate at different speeds

during a turn  This means that if one wheel is on solid ground with excellent traction and one wheel is on

ice and would slip with 10% of the power applied, that the one on solid ground would receive 90% of the

power and the other one would receive 10% (90-10)  The 90%-power wheel will move the vehicle just

fine, so you wouldn’t even know that you’d have been stuck.

For you techie types, the reason that this unequal division of power can occur is that the axle shafts act

like torsion bars. Power is applied to both axles; when the 10% wheel (low traction) begins to slip, the

axle shaft for the 90% wheel (good traction)  wraps up a little more as engine power is applied. The 10%

wheel slips a little more and the 90% axle wraps up a little more until enough power is finally applied to

move the vehicle  It may move before all 90% is applied, but these illustrations show the theoretical

maximums that may come into play. As your vehicle climbs up a hill, this torsion bar effect transfers

power back and forth instantaneously from side to side as one wheel, then the other one, slips a little and

then regains traction. Your new Aussie Locker thus effortlessly and automatically gives you the most

power to the wheel with the most traction, and you just keep right on going. Onward!


The Torq-Masters Aussie Locker is designed to fit into a standard or “open” differential case  Limited-slip

or Posi-Traction differentials use clutch packs, such that these differential cases are not compatible with

the Aussie Locker. If you have a limited-slip differential you will need to purchase an equivalent open

differential case, pinion shaft and side gear thrust washers and have the case installed prior to the

installation of the locker  Setup of the case includes setting the differential bearing pre-load and the ring-

and-pinion backlash, which generally must be done by a shop having the right knowledge and tools.

As with most factory differentials, the Aussie Locker is designed to be installed with a factory thrust

washer under each axle gear. It is imperative that your thrust washers are not worn, warped, cracked or

scored and that they be of the original thickness. If your washers are worn or damaged, purchase new

ones. They are cheap and are good insurance  If you do not install thrust washers of the proper thickness

and in good condition, the contact patterns will show the difference which will void the warranty.



































































































































































































































































































































































































2 Allows  if ere t al actio  bet ee  th   wo w eel –perm ts  hem  o r tate at  iffe


d ring  ornerin  to e iminate drive train  amage an   re  uff n













r v ng with no t re slippage  ha f (50%) of  he  n om n  en n   ower i  t ans itted to each wheel  or

50 50.  n a  lippery trac ion  itua i n   f  n   heel sp ns with onl  10%  f  he engine power 

pl ed t  it

the ot er wheel als   e eives only 

% of the po er  o  10 0   h s mea s  hat the vehicle is tryin  to

move wit   nly 20%  f  he  o al p w r ap ie  to th   ound s h t at it may n  mo e  The  eh le is














rov ding  s much as 1 0% of  he av lab e p we  to e her w eel (100-0  w e   he ot er o e  s on a

s ick surf ce or ev n  ff the  r

n  in a hol , yet i  a

 a l

s the whe s   ro a e   differe t spee s

d ri

 a turn  Th s means that if one wh el  s  n sol d ground w

 e cellent tr tio   n  o e wh el is on

ice and wo ld s p  ith 10% of t e p wer a p e  t a  the  n  on  ol d gr

nd w

l  receive 90% of  he

power  nd th  ot er 

e w

ld receive  0%  90 0  Th  90%- owe  wheel will m ve the  ehic e  st

fine  s  you w

ldn’  even know tha  y u d h ve been stu k


















l ke tor on bar  Power i  appl ed  o b th axles  when  he 10% w ee   ow t ac i n) be ins to sl p   he

axl  shaft f r the 90% wh el (goo  t a tion   wraps up a l t e more as  n ne  ower i  applied   he  0%

whe l sl ps a littl  more and  he 90% a e w aps  p a  it e m re unt l enough powe  i  fina ly 

li d  o

m e t e  e cle  It m  m e before al  90%  s  p lied  b   hese i l tra ions  how the  heore i al

maxim m  t at may  ome into p a  A   ur v h c e  im s u  a hil   his t rs o  bar effe t transfers

power ba k 

d  orth 

tan ane

sly  ro  sid  to side as  ne wh e  t

  he other  ne  s ps   li tle and

then  egains tr t o  Your new Aus e  cker thus e fort essl  and aut ma i a l  g v s yo   he most

p w r to the wheel w h th  mo t tra t on  and you  ust keep ri ht o   oing  Onw rd!












r Pos Traction d ferent als  se c utch  a ks  s

  ha  these di fe nt al  ases are not compatible w h

the Au s e Lo er  If y

 h ve    imit d- ip differ

tia  yo  

l  eed t  pur hase an eq iva ent  pen

d ff rent a  ca e   i on  aft  n  s e  ear thru t  ashers an  hav  t e  ase ins a led prior to the

installation of the  o ker  Set

 of t e ca e in

es s tting the d ff renti l be ring  re-load  n  t e r


and-pin o  ba lash  wh ch generally mus  be done by a s op ha ing the righ   n wle

e an   o l














wa her u der ea h a e  ear  It  s 

e at ve t at you  t rus  was er  are not wo n  w rped   ra ed or

scored and t a  th y be of t e or g al  h kness  I  yo r wa hers are wor  o  da aged  p

ha e n w

o es  They are  heap and  re good  s ra ce  If 

 do n t  nstall  hru t washe s of the proper th ck ess

and    oo  cond t on  the  o tact  atterns w l  ho   he d ffere e 

i h w l   o d  he w rra y

Summary of Contents for Aussie Locker series

Page 1: ...ocker equipped vehicle We suggest that you read these instructions before beginning your installation to familiarize yourself with the steps performed for your particular axle type and to determine wh...

Page 2: ...bearing pre load and the ring and pinion backlash which generally must be done by a shop having the right knowledge and tools As with most factory differentials the Aussie Locker is designed to be in...

Page 3: ...e two types of axles have several differential designs including 1 C Clip axle shaft retention Ford 8 8 Spicer 35 Land Cruiser with thrust block etc 2 Bearing retainer axle shaft retention Jeep AMC 20...

Page 4: sliding the axle shafts in and out easier 1 Remove the pinon shaft 2 Remove the thrust block if present 3 Push the axle shafts inward and remove the C clips 4 Pull each axle shaft out by about thre...

Page 5: ...rta t t put h se hims ba k in h s m l at n nd rd u n r ssembly 5 Ma k the diff r nti l b ring ut r r s s th s is ming ut s th t th n b r inst ll d n th id s 6 M rk t ng ge t s l ati R m th in g r fr m...

Page 6: ...e Aussie Locker axle gears to the back surface and around the hub in the center Using this grease will help with holding the parts in place later on 2 Place a thrust washer on each axle ge r 3 Install...

Page 7: ...stall the C clip on the end of the axle shaft with the points facing downward 3 Pull snap the axle shaft outward to seat the C clip onto the hub of the axle gear 4 Carefully insert one of the cam gear...

Page 8: ...ching the t cam gear with a g etwee the gh han teet Remov the too ver t ng shou d just s there he d n p asse b y may n e to be he d in p ace during the o owing steps W h the e t ax e s owly otate the...

Page 9: ...into the bottom of the slot and the other end should snap over the step on the end of the pin 8 Repeat step 7 for the remaining three pins and springs The assembly of the locker itself is now complete...

Page 10: ...o k m INST LL THE DIFFERENTI L C SE REMO BLE C RRIER THIRD MEMBER j h r r n m s b n r m r T r M m f n f h n n r sh m n f r h r r s h f n n h Th ff n r n th r h s n r n r ss h m r j te s n h h s th e s...

Page 11: turns slowly at first Remember that if you power around a turn that the inside powered wheel will spin up more easily than before because weight s transferring off it as the vehicle leans outward 3...

Page 12: ...some Toyota differentials it may be necessary to file down casting flashing and case irregularities prior to fitting parts 3 Some Ford Dana 44 front installations may require minor grinding in the ca...
