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License Information on the software used in the 

The software pre-installed in the TOSHIBA Televisions 
consists of multiple, independent software components. 
Each software component is copyrighted by TOSHIBA or a 
third party.

The TOSHIBA Televisions uses software components that 
are distributed as freeware under a third-party end-user 
license agreement or copyright notice (hereinafter referred 
to as a "EULA"). Some EULAs require that the source code of 
the applicable component be disclosed as the condition for 
distributing the software component in executable format.

You can check EULA related information on the following 
Home Page:


In addition, some of the software components which 
are used in Toshiba Televisions include the software that 
are made or developed originally by TOSHIBA. These 
software and accompanied documents are copyrighted by 
TOSHIBA, and protected by Copyright Act, an international 
treaty's articles and other governing laws. The software 
components which are made or developed originally by 
TOSHIBA and not subject to EULAs are not a target of 
source code off ering.

The Toshiba warranty provided in respect of the TV is the 
only warranty provided and no additional warranties are 
provided in respect of the software components subject 
to EULAs.

Some of the software components distributed under 
EULAs are made available for use by the user on the 
premise that they are not copyrighted or warranted by 
TOSHIBA or any third party. These software components 
are licensed to the user free of charge and therefore not 
covered by any warranty within the scope of the applicable 
laws. These software components are provided in "as 
is" condition without any warranty, whether express or 
implied. "Warranty" here includes, but not limited to, an 
implied warranty for marketability or fi tness for specifi c 
uses. All risks associated with the quality or performance 
of these software components are assumed by the user. 
TOSHIBA shall not be liable whatsoever for any cost of 
repair or correction or other incidental expense incurred 
in connection with a defect found in any of these software 
components. Unless specifi ed under the applicable 
laws or in a written agreement, a party who changes or 
redistributes the software with consent from the copyright 
holders or based on the aforementioned licenses shall not 
be held liable whatsoever for any loss arising from the use 
of or inability to use such software components. The same 
applies even when the copyright holders or relevant third 
parties have been informed of the possibility of such loss. 
"Loss" here includes normal, special, incidental and indirect 
loss (including, but not limited to, the loss of data or its 
accuracy; loss incurred by the user or any third party; and 
interface incompatibility with other software). Please read 
each EULA for details on the use conditions and items that 
must be observed regarding these software components.

The table below lists the software components pre-installed 
in the TOSHIBA  Televisions, which are subject to EULAs. 
The user should read the applicable EULAs carefully before 
using these software components. The EULAs are exhibited 
in their original text (English) as exactly written by the 
respective parties other than TOSHIBA.

For at least three (3) years from the date of distribution 

of this product, Toshiba will give to anyone who contacts 
<>, for a charge of no more than 
our cost of physically performing source code distribution, 
a complete machine-readable copy of the complete 
corresponding GPL and LGPL source code for the version 
of the GPL and LGPL code that we distributed to you in this 

Pre-Installed Software - EULA


File system(FAT32,NTFS) - Exhibit (A)

libPNG – Exhibit(B)

Exhibit (A)


Version 2, June 1991

Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim 
copies of this license document, but changing it is not 


The licenses for most software are designed to take away 
your freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the 
GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your 
freedom to share and change free software--to make sure 
the software is free for all its users.  This General Public 
License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's 
software and to any other program whose authors commit 
to using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software 
is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License 
instead.)  You can apply it to your programs, too.

When we speak of free software, we are referring to 
freedom, not price.  Our General Public Licenses are 
designed to make sure that you have the freedom to 
distribute copies of free software (and charge for this 
service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get 
it if you want it, that you can change the software or use 
pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you 
can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that 
forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to 
surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain 
responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the 
software, or if you modify it.

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, 
whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all 
the rights that you have.  You must make sure that they, too, 
receive or can get the source code.  And you must show 
them these terms so they know their rights.

We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the 
software, and (2) off er you this license which gives you legal 
permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software.

Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to 
make certain that everyone understands that there is no 
warranty for this free software.  If the software is modifi ed 
by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients 
to know that what they have is not the original, so that 
any problems introduced by others will not refl ect on the 
original authors' reputations.

Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by 
software patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that 

Summary of Contents for 32P1400 Series

Page 1: ...DUCTS INDONESIA All Rights Reserved TD J Welcome toToshiba Thank you for purchasing this Toshiba LED TV This manual will help you use the exciting features of your new TV Instructions in this manual are based on using the remote control You also can use the controls on the TV if they have the same name as those referred to on the remote control Please read all safety and operating instructions in ...

Page 2: ...s a quilt or blanket Leave the bottom of the unit protruding over the edge of the surface and assemble as indicated Note Extreme care should always be used when attaching the pedestal stand to avoid damage to the LCD panel M4 4 1 4 3 2 Warning Ensure the power cable is not pinched when attaching the pedestal stand as this could cause an electric shock M5 2 ...

Page 3: ...l outlet end Make sure to hold the plug when unplugging the AC power cord Never use other cord except for supplied AC power cord and never use the supplied power cord for any other purpose 5 Never insert or remove the power plug with wet hands This may cause an electric shock 6 Never block or cover the slots and openings in the cabinet Never place the TV so that it is facing upward or on its side ...

Page 4: ...V this may cause a fire or an electric shock If small objects drop inside the TV turn off the TV and remove the power plug from the outlet immediately and contact a service technician 3 Never insert objects metal or paper or pour water inside the TV through ventilation holes and other openings These items may cause a fire or an electric shock If these objects are inserted inside the TV turn off th...

Page 5: ...rongly or scratch it and never put anything on it These actions will damage the LCD screen 2 About cabinet and LCD screen Never spray volatile compounds such as insecticide on the cabinet and LCD screen This may cause a discolouration or damage the cabinet and LCD screen 3 Some pixels of the screen do not light up The LCD display panel is manufactured using an extremely high level of precision tec...

Page 6: ...ies must not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine fire or the like Attention should be drawn to the environmental aspects of battery disposal Never mix battery types or combine used batteries with new ones Notes If the remote control does not operate correctly or if the operating range becomes reduced replace both batteries with new ones If the batteries are dead or if you will not use th...

Page 7: ...ut source selection 8 Picture Size 9 TEXT Subtitle pages if available 10 Picture still 11 Stereo Bilingual selection 12 Number buttons 0 9 13 To display the Channel List 14 To return to the previous programme 15 To display on screen information Initial Index function for Teletext 16 This button turns the sound off on 17 To exit menu 18 To access the Quick Menu 19 Teletext on Superimpose Teletext o...

Page 8: ...GA VESA 1024 5 768 60 70 75 Hz W XGA VESA 1280 5 768 60 Hz W XGA VESA 1360 5 768 60 Hz S XGA VESA 1280 5 1024 60 Hz However these signal formats are converted to match the number of pixels of the LCD panel Therefore the TV may not display small text properly If you connect this unit to your PC the compressed image is displayed in S XGA mode therefore the picture quality may deteriorate and charact...

Page 9: ...station is found it will be displayed NEVER PRESS ANY OTHER BUTTONS WHILE THE SET IS TUNING H Manual Fine Tuning Press or until better picture and sound are obtained I Signal Booster If the receiving signal is weak strong and the picture is noisy the picture may be improved when using this function Press the or to turn the Signal Booster On or Off Quick Setup Menu Language English 2 Press or to se...

Page 10: ...Timer Power Bass Booster Signal Booster Dynamic 00 00 Off On Note Quick Menu items are different depending on the current mode Quick menu item Description Picture Mode page 13 Sleep Timer page 14 Power Bass Booster page 14 Signal Booster page 9 Learning about the menu system We suggest you familiarize yourself with the display charts before using the menu system Press MENU to display menu then pre...

Page 11: ...ase the display instantly press again Sorting positions Ex To swap channel ABCD Prog 1 for channel MNOP Prog 4 1 From the SETUP menu press or to select Manual Tuning menu and then press OK 2 Press or to select the channel ABCD then press Manual Tuning Pos 0 1 ABCD 2 EFGH 3 IJKL MNOP 4 5 6 7 Label 3 Press to select the new position 4 then press 4 Press to select the channel MNOP then press 5 Press ...

Page 12: ...tting will display the image correctly without distortion or picture clipping PC Wide Use this setting for PC connected via HDMI when receiving PC signal format This setting will display the image without picture clipping Notes Using the special functions to change the size of the displayed image e g changing the height width ratio for the purpose of public display or commercial gain may infringe ...

Page 13: ...the warmth or coolness of the picture by setting the red green or blue tint Use menus PICTURE and Picture Settings Use items Colour Temperature Red Level Green Level and Blue Level Use modes Cool Natural and Warm etc Activating the Noise Reduction NR If the receiving signal of MPEG is a mosquito grained noise depending on the compression and conversion the picture is weak and the picture is blurry...

Page 14: ...Off Other features settings Setting the OnTimer and SleepTimer The Timer is especially useful if you want the TV to turn itself on or off after a selected period of time Use the menu APPLICATIONS Use items On Timer and Sleep Timer Use the button OK button Number buttons 0 9 and Configure the following settings in On Timer Enable On Timer Select On or Off Input Select an input source Position Selec...

Page 15: ...rently installed Use the menu SETUP Use the item System Information Use the button OK Resetting theTV Reset TV will reset all TV settings including stored channels to their original factory values Use the menu SETUP Use the item Reset select Yes and press OK Note When the set powers back on the first time screen will appear page 8 Teletext This TV has a multi page Teletext memory which takes a few...

Page 16: ...creen are now number 100 101 102 and 103 which have been programmed into the TV s memory 2 To view these pages use the coloured prompt buttons e g press the Green button to view page 101 3 If you want to change these stored pages press the coloured button for the colour you want to change e g Press the Green button and enter the 3 digit number This number will change 4 Press OK to store your choic...

Page 17: ...ties Try another channel Make sure the Colour System is properly set Teletext problems Check the aerial connections Good performance of text depends on a good strong broadcast signal The brightness of the screen comes down or flickers of the screen are caused or some parts of the screen do not light up When you just buy and start to use this TV a flickering may be caused in the screen In this case...

Page 18: ...s or region NTSC 4 43 MHz is used in special VCRs to playback NTSC recorded video tapes through PAL TV equipment Specifications LEDTV Model 2P1400 Series Power source 110 240 V AC 50 60 Hz Power consumption 40 W 0 4 W Dimensions 734 W 543 H 180 D mm Mass Weight 5 0 kg TV system Aerial input Channel coverage PAL B G CCIR VHF 2 12 UHF 21 69 CATV X Z 2 S1 S41 PAL I UK VHF UHF 21 69 CATV PAL D K CHINA...

Page 19: ...igital HDMI Lip Sync Operating condition Temperature 0 C 35 C Humidity 20 80 No moisture condensation Supplied accessories Owner s manual 1 Remote control 1 Batteries 2 Screw 1 page 3 Predestal stand 1 Screw M5 x 2 M4 x 4 stand type page 2 Design and specifications are subject to change without notice Never service or remodel the TV by yourself It may expose you to a fire hazard or dangerous volta...

Page 20: ...components pre installed in the TOSHIBA Televisions which are subject to EULAs The user should read the applicable EULAs carefully before using these software components The EULAs are exhibited in their original text English as exactly written by the respective parties other than TOSHIBA For at least three 3 years from the date of distribution of this product Toshiba will give to anyone who contac...

Page 21: License Exception if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves then this Licen...

Page 22: ...illing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License 8 If the distribution and or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces the original copyright holder who places the Program under ...

Page 23: ...tine library you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library If this is what you want to do use the GNU Lesser General Public License instead of this License Exhibit B This copy of the libpng notices is provided for your convenience In case of any discrepancy between this copy and the notices in the file png h that is included in the libpng distribution ...

Page 24: ...the original source 3 This Copyright notice may not be removed or altered from any source or altered source distribution The Contributing Authors and Group 42 Inc specifically permit without fee and encourage the use of this source code as a component to supporting the PNG file format in commercial products If you use this source code in a product acknowledgment is not required but would be apprec...
