The console is provided with a hybrid keyboard, a monitor,
and a mouse.
• Functions for scanning
– Selection of scan parameters
– Scanoscope control
– Scan control
– Remote control of couch-top movement
– Remote control of gantry tilt
• Functions for image processing
– Window level and window width adjustment
– Other mouse-operated image processing functions
Patient handling and positioning
• The couch-top can be lowered to approx. 310 mm (at
the center of the couch top) from the floor, making it easi-
er to transfer the patient to and from a bed or stretcher.
• Alignment lights are provided in the gantry aperture for
fast and accurate patient positioning.
• High-precision couch-top positioning is possible from the
integrated console or by manual operation from the con-
trol panel and clear digital readouts are provided on the
• The couch-top can be pulled out manually in an emer-
• Toshiba's scanoscope function provides a projection
image of the patient for high-precision advance planning
of the slice positions.
• The longitudinal length of the scanning field for the
scanogram can be adjusted up to 1,750 mm (1,450 mm
for the short patient couch version). Real-time helical
permits the scan to be aborted at any time. This mini-
mizes the patient exposure dose.
• The auto index function allows automatic incremental
couch-top movement based on the slice positions deter-
mined through the scanogram.
• The eXam Plan function allows simple selection of pre-
programmed scanning parameters for routine examina-
tions, maximizing patient throughput.
• Protocol comments can be saved in each eXamPlan
provideng interactive onscreen instructions for all studies
reducing the need to refer to a separate protocol book.
• The Vari-area function allows the user to pre-select a
region of interest for zooming using raw data, permitting
immediate post-scan analysis. Zooming using raw data
yields higher resolution than enlarging an image that has
already been reconstructed.
• Dynamic and rapid sequence scan modes are provided.
• Multislice helical scan acquires raw data by rotating the
X-ray tube continuously while moving the patient continu-
ously through the scanner. The volume data acquired
can be used to reconstruct slices at any desired axial
positions. This scan mode is best used for rapid patient
scanning during a single breath-hold and for high-defini-
tion three-dimensional and MPR imaging.
• Real-time helical reconstruction mode makes it possible
to observe the images being scanned in real time at a
maximum at 12 frames per second. This mode shows
any shift in the slice position in real time and helps the
operator to check the scan field on the image, the con-
trast study timing, the presence of patient body motion,
etc. The patient can therefore be released immediately
after scanning.
• The
Start function allows the operator to start helical
scanning at the timing of maximum enhancement in con-
trast studies.
Start monitors the scan from the start of
a contrast study at a certain slice position while measur-
ing the changes in CT number on the image being dis-
played in real time. When the contrast reaches the
predefined threshold, helical scan automatically starts.
This technique ensures optimal contrast enhancement,
independent of individual differences in blood flow
speed, and at the same time minimizes the dose of con-
trast medium.
Data processing
• Rapid reconstruction increases the reconstruction speed
to 0.5 second in 0.75-second scans. (Scan & View
• A variety of reconstruction algorithms are available and
can be selected according to the anatomical region to
be examined and the clinical objective of the study.
These include algorithms for the abdomen, head, bone,
lung, small structures, soft tissues, etc.
Image display and processing
• Reconstructed images are automatically displayed
according to the window settings preset in the eXam
• The window save function allows the user to store an
image with window settings different from the ones set in
the eXam Plan.
• Filter parameters can be customized through simple on-
screen menu selections. These parameters include the
number of filtering passes, matrix size, and filter coeffi-
• Images can be rotated and reversed either right/left,
top/bottom, or black/white.
• The Multi-frame feature allows up to 16 images to be
retrieved and displayed simultaneously on the screen.
• The three-dimensional image display function allows
color three-dimensional and MPR images in real-time to
be generated from the volumetric scan data acquired by
helical scanning. This results in higher definition and
image quality than images reconstructed from conven-
tional single-slice scanning. This is because helical
scanning provides superior data continuity along the
patient axis compared with conventional scanning.