(1) The host should send the print data and the Print Line Feed Command for printing.
Commands other than these should be sent as required.
(2) Character
Only standard characters are used when printing the data.
[Ex] 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D E
[31H] [32H] [33H] [34H] [35H] [41H] [42H] [43H] [44H] [45H]
1 2 3 4 5 A B C D E
(3) While the RECEIPT mode is selected, writable character data cannot be stored. To store
writable character data, change the print mode from the RECEIPT mode to the LABEL or the
TPCL mode.
(4) [FEED]
In the RECEIPT mode, if the [FEED] key is pressed, the receipt is not printed again. A 20-mm
feed is performed. To cut a receipt using the tear bar after issuing it, a receipt can be fed to
the position at which the receipt can be easily cut by pressing the [FEED] key.
(5) Error
When an error occurs while the printer is issuing a receipt, the LED blinks. The printer
discards all data and commands which have been received, and enters a wait state for a
command. Therefore, if an error occurs, the print data or a command should be sent again
after clearing the error.
After the label end error or the cover open error is cleared, the printer automatically continues
printing the data which has been received before the error occurred.
(6) Status
In the RECEIPT mode, the printer does not automatically send a status indicating the normal
end. Therefore, the host should send the Status Request Command to check the printer
status. However, when the Mode Select Command or the Graphic Command is sent, or if an
error occurs, the printer sends the status. In IrDA: IrCOMM communications, only when the
status transmission is specified, the printer sends the status.
(7) Initial values (Default setting values of parameters designated by commands.)
When the power is turned on or when RECEIPT mode or RECEIPT1 mode is selected, the
initial values will be set. The initial values are also set when the mode is switched between
RECEIPT mode and RECEIPT1 mode, or when the mode is switched from RECEIPT mode to
RECEIPT mode, or from RECEIPT1 mode to RECEIPT1 mode.