Error messages and conditions
Error messages and conditions
To address specific error messages or conditions, refer to Table 4 -2 below. Use the table
to locate the problem or symptom you want to fix, read about the possible causes, and
then perform the suggested actions to solve the problem.
GA-1121 error messages and conditions
Possible cause
Suggested action
If none of the suggested actions solves the problem, you may need to replace the GA-1121 board.
GA-1121 does not start
(Control Panel activity
light is not lit and no text
The copier is powered off.
Make sure the main power switch on the copier is in the
on position.
One of the following:
• Copier is not supplying power to the
GA-1121 board
• Missing, incorrect, or faulty
• Corrupt BIOS
1. Check again all cables and connections.
2. If the printer starts up but the GA-1121 does not start up,
check for a missing or faulty DIMM. Reseat the DIMM to
remove any oxidation on the connectors
(see page 3-13).
3. If the problem persists, verify the DIMM connection.
Test the DIMM by rebooting with the DIMM installed
in the other socket. If the problem still persists, replace
the DIMM.
4. If the problem persists, replace the GA-1121 board (see
page 3-8).
Control Panel activity
light is lit but no text
One of the following:
• Cable connection between GA-1121
and the Control Panel is faulty.
• Control Panel interface is faulty.
1. Check again the Control Panel cable connection (see
page 3-7).
2. If the problem persists, contact your authorized
service/support center.
System hangs at screen for
2 minutes or longer
One of the following:
• Corrupt system software
• Faulty HDD
1. Check again all cables and connections.
2. If the problem persists, reinstall system software (see
page 3-22).
3. If the problem still persists, replace the HDD
(see page 3-17).
If replacing the HDD does not correct the problem, make
sure you reinstall the old HDD.
System hangs at screen for
2 minutes or longer
One of the following:
• Network connection is faulty
• Corrupt system software
1. Check that the network cable is connected to the
10/100BaseT network port on the GA-1121.
2. If the problem persists, reinstall system software (see
page 3-22).
System booting.
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