Recording music from other audio equipment
Track name: ExtXX (XX: 01-99)
If tracks are split, track names with numbers of 100 or higher
can be created. One album can consist of up to 255 files.
To play a recorded file, see
You can record up to 1,000 files, including FM radio
recordings, transferred music files and transferred photos.
If tracks are joined, the tracks are not automatically split. To
split tracks after the recordings have been made see
files recorded with the Line-in Recorder”
To edit the track names after the recordings have been made,
“Editing the names of recorded tracks”
Up to 99 tracks can be automatically split in each Auto-Sync
You can also end recording by pressing the Back button
during recording.
During recording do not press the Reset button until you have
pressed the Enter button and the clock icon is no longer
displayed. Pressing the Reset button too quickly may prevent
the recording file from being saved correctly.