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Summary of Contents for SD-V391

Page 1: ... ma_er whosoever T_ _me w_th_ which _ ac_cn mu_t be _Ced b_e_force _ry obUg_on c_TACP THI arming under he war_anb or an_et a_y sta_ e or _w of the Uf_i_d St _es o__ny _tate _h_t_of betray llm _d to nin_t y 190 days l ofn he dat_ you d_cover or shou d h_e discover ed the defect Th_s I_m_t at_ondOe_ not apply o imp_ed w_rr_n_s ar s_Rg _ndet state law Th warranty g_es you spedfic _ega t_ghr_ and you ...

Page 2: ... CODE S2BgSA EXAMPLE OF ANTENNA GROUNDING AS PER THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE ELECTRODESYST M NECART250PARTH AC Outlet W_derHo_e TO USE AC POWER BOURCE Use the AC poladzed line cold provided for opera io_ on AC Insert _he AC co _ pl_g into a standard 120V 6OHz polarized AC Ot eL Pda_ AC COrd p_ug O_e b_de is w_de_ ha_ th_ ot r_et Notes Never connect the AC line cord plug to other than the specif _...

Page 3: ...ooeraton of a V_doo CD not equ_ppcx_ with me pBC fun_en you can enioy pla c_ac_ _ nter_t _ software _lth _arch fun_on by using the menu displayed on the TV screen IMer_ PlaybaCk I Some of the _un_Bons des_bed in t l s o_er s man_aE may not work with some discs _pE _ _n _ _h_ unit _an play _ac_ FUJECOLOR CD and Kodiak p_ct_r e CD formats you _annot pEay d_sCS other thal_ those _sted above you canno...

Page 4: ...e remote eontr_ sw_tehes m_ screen b_tween the VCR sc_ee_ VCR mode and L_ DVD sc een DVD mode J _m the remote eontr_ at the _emote senso_ and press eo_Vo_ b_ttons _o o_ra_e Operate L_ _emote con_ol within 3O_ ang_ on either s_e of the rerr_te sensor up to a c_s_nee of Ap_ox 7 rr_ters _rs _or_hep_opet _nnec_on_ The DVDNCR rn_st be _nnee_ed b_twee_ _he antenna and _ TV F_S L diSConne_ the an_en_ f_o...

Page 5: ..._ DVDNCR to _ cable system Bek w a_e six comr _on meO_Ods of connection OVDNCR S_Ht_r TV _t A_AVS Record_ _ of _ h_nn_ wh_e watc_ anoth_ Us_r_ the p_o_ ammab_e tier to _eco_d o_y the ha_ne_ s_ected at the co_ved_ box Record_ _ of a_ chanr_ s through _e co_ve_ter box prevents Wat_h n 9 s_ambted chariots wh _ _ecord_r_ anoth_ cha_ne_ Us_r_ the DVDNCR tuner to s_ect cha_ne_s DVDNCR A_l_ws Reco_ _ ng ...

Page 6: ..._ t_ _peakers may _ damage_ F_h and Spanish for th_ on s_r_n disp_ay_ _repara_ n Pmss vide TUrn ONin_t vcthe R DVD TV an_ s_e_or _le_to _ s_e_the c _ resp_ing _he VCR m_ __l c_ss vc_ eared _ u VCR _ENL_ _ntl _he M_N_J screen IS 1 T_e VCR ndicat or will _ ht SE_ O 1 pre_ ar_ h_l_ 3 o_ 4 on the reraote lo_ 3 s _eo_ds in s_dby ra_ D G pre_ POWER to turn on ihe OVD VCR _ ess VCR DVD _tor to se_t ihe V...

Page 7: ...r_s _AWAII GMT_10hou_ AUTO AUT0 SET GMT Gr_nw_cb Mean Time P_ess VCR M_NU Press S_T ot to Selee SYSTEM S_TUp the_ press _NTER press VCRMENU twice _o fetum to _he 5nofmalscree_ VCrM_N_ O VCrM_NU O 2 P_essS_T or toselect DAYLIGHT SAVINGTIM__ the_p_essENTER P_e_ s_T c c_ to se_ _ o_e of Ihe 3 _tlO_S the_ p_ess ENTER P_ess VCR M_NU unti_ the MENU sc_e_ IS eteare_l ON _o_ manuar se_ting _xwar d o_ hQu_...

Page 8: ...c playback _aa oa_ing _ _asse_te t_pe _ _ou an erase _r_ent_n tab _a_ack w_ _art _ut_at_ea_y prassEJECToathefro_l _Eoron_Remote 2 RemeveL ecasset_etape Automatic ta_e elect Th_s DVDNCR _ _toraa_caEEy _ewir_ t_ t_e wt_n _ tape t_s ended Once the tapeis _ewoun_ to _S beg nn_r_ _he cassette _ape _ be _ ted automa_caE y TO prevent accidental e_as_te TO _ otd again Re_ve the erase p_vent e_ _ab with a ...

Page 9: ... on _e sc_ for about 4 _nds SP LP O Press Number b_tto_ or CH _ to select the 4 ehan_el to be reeo_de_ TV mode direct channel se_ect_n b_t_o_s _ _xample _oselect c_a_ 2 p_es_ 0 Lhe_ _2 _ you p_e_s only 2 C_n_el selwCt_nwi_ be de_y_d fo_two SeCO_ _o_ _h_n_e_ _0 a_ above p_ _he 2 dlg_ Lnor_e_ CATV mode direct c_annel selection 1 9 p_W_S0 _w_c__nd th_ 1 _ as _equ_e_ E _mp_e_TO_elect _ p_ess 0O2 0 _2 ...

Page 10: ...r_x_l _om extama_ seu_ se_ _he cha_el to LI o_ _L2 _reo recording andplayback SecondAudio Program SAP to enter Othe_ programs repeat step 2 through S_ JP p_a_s VC_t MENU t_ _ce c 9 P_ess TIMER R_C The t_er symbol J3 _ wil_ appear o_ the display and the VCR s_nds by for recording T_MERREC At the _ _me _me VCf__de wi _ charge tOOVD e_de auton_t_ea_ly You c_n use OVD aYea _f the VCF_ a _het_mer_e ord...

Page 11: ...DVDNCR to maffun_t_on D o no_ Jace a d_sc wr_eh is unp_ayabEe in L_s DVbhtCR stem t_rn on the audio _ys_m and st_ect he _np_ Press OPEN CLOS_ or PLAY o 1 the _tt t The _ so tr_y doses automa_eally m _ On the TV screen _v chBnges _o c_ _ _n_ _n__n p_a_ eemmences A me_ s_reen w_ appea on _ e _V seree_ _f the _se t_s a men_ fe_tu_e_ Press STOP _o e _d playback The _nit recess the s_oppe_ _nt PLAY to ...

Page 12: ...l on t h_ TV _ te _n ptas_ or toselectfoldet To t_p_ay ne _ fist _ress S_P _ or Whe_ pLAy ha_ b_ p_es_d ar_ d_p_aylng t_ _ file r_enu_ or whe_ _e d_sc tray _a_ t_en _osed af_ p_es_ PLAY _ step 2_ p_ayback b_s automatically star _ _ P_ _e f_rs__le In _s ca_e_ _ the _t file _ a JP G file _e first JPEG file _Sp_ayed back I_ _e _t _le _s a_ MP3_MA fl e_ordy _p3A_MA _les a_e played back _ order p_s _NT...

Page 13: feau_re Use the t_e _apt_ and _me reCerde_ o_ the d_sc _O_oG_ _e des re_ p_int to p_ay_ac_ To eheCJ the rifle _pter and time p_ess D_SP_Ay press JUMP _uring p_aybaek or stop mode JUMP C Press Numbe_e_ b_to_s _0 9 to change the 3 _umber _Q_ _f yo_ i_put a wro_ numbs _ess _ _ _le discfochec_ _ _llbem 50 Th_s_nitw_l a_Eewyou toze_n _no_ the JPEG _n_e Press ZOOM _uring p_ay_W_k C_ SKI_ EnEa_ged JPE...

Page 14: ...n select the subU_e _angdage an_l sou_ track langu_ e_c using the menu Press_NUdurl_gp_ay_e_ 3 P_ssE_rER _u _ora_N_a_n_s_reen The m_u c_n_s _e ane_ _y_ a_ the seena when y_u _ee_e_ _NU 54 _ P_ _gram Playback Press Ale or to select Program 4 p_ay_a_k an_ press ENTER Press or V to select p_ay Mode the_ press o_ _o select Program Press IV or I _ te setect the programming posff_on Use Numbete_ buttons...

Page 15: ...llowln_ pages de_e the seep opera on _n _V_ mode _ _ _ t_ _t _t 9_9i_ _3 i ii ii ii ii ii ii ii Press SETUP _ the stop moc_e _r No Disc Press _ or to _ p_ture VC_ _U S_T_P i iii ii i iiiiiiii i i i i i ili iiii ii i i i i i 2 press lg or ENTER the_ p_ess _ ot _ t o select Tv cree_ You have me f_lowing s_reen s_zes to choose f_om 4 3 _ Leth_r box SeleCt th_s mode when o_ec_ing _ea co_vent_ne_ TV Wh...

Page 16: ..._ you have s_o_ PreSs_NT_R The_snnw_o_ed Press or to select Parental t_en press 4_ or to change _he parental level Pmss or teselect Passwo_d then press 5numberbuttonsl0_ toenter_hepasswo_d press ENTEA P_ess S TUP or RETURN to _ea_ove the p_r ental control scree_ VCRM_N_ A_UA_ Note DO _ f0_g_ _e pa_w_r_ Ifyou _0_ge_t_e pa_wa_ conga _ _a_r that _ purc_a_e_ _ _n_ _rom Loa_ a DVD disc and press PLAY o...

Page 17: ... t_e la_ ua_ co _ s_ th_ _lgua _e c _de fis_ o _ _ag_ Ot gina T_ _nit w_lse ec the first p6o ity _n_ t_ag_ fe_h _sc NOte _ Chang ng subt tle language To make SETUP scree_ _ls_ppear press SETUP press SETUP I_ the slop mod_ or N_ Disc A Press or to se ect La _g_age _ETURN while ti_e SETUP is being VC_ M_U S_Jp 2 Press _ or_NTER the_ press _ or _ to select S_bt tte _ Press or _NT_R Press o_ to se ect...

Page 18: ...a_lLhe TAC_ T _I Authof_Zed S_vlce S_a_ion Y_ ar_ _espo_slb_e e_ _osed De_cg_ap_ Cardw_h_ te_ 10 days afte_ y_ for a_l _a_spor_a_ioa a_d _ra_ce c_arges fo_ _heu_ b_ o_tr_ person wh_ _as g_e_ yo_ t_ p_edu_ a_a _lf a_ f r_r l _he Aut_o_ Ss_ic_ s_a_ion _f yo_ _ve _ th_ purcr ase__h_sp_od_ _TN_ is or_ way _ enable TACP to U S A you _ atyou_ option re_u_ y_ DVD U_t to pro_da yo_ w_thbe_ter _omer _e_ an...
