IF08CZ9 September, 2019
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INTERFACE (cont’d)
Pulse Signal Output
If a speed sensor is used, speed feedback signals can be output as pulse signals. The PG pulse
output circuit is shown in the following figure. The power supply for the pulses should be supplied from an
outside source in a range of 12 V to 24 V. The max loading allowed is 25mA. The number of pulses per
revolution output can be set using the parameter CS_PGOUT when a resolver is used. See the parameter
setting manual for exact settings. Otherwise, set to zero when using a PG. With a PG, the number of
pulses out equals the number of pulses in.
The PG pulse output consists of two phases of PGA and PGB at 90
separation and PGZ when a
PG with a marker pulse is used. These pulse signals, at the level of the power supplied from an outside
source, are isolated from the control power supply of the drive, through photo-couplers.
Pulse Output Circuit
Toshiba Reference File #328