TRST-A10/TRST-A15 POS Printer OPOS Control Application User’s Manual
5.2 Operation Check (CheckHealth Program)
This program (OPOSCHK.exe) checks that each installation or each setting has been successfully
completed, so that the device can operate properly after the installation or settings from the Control Panel.
Running the OPOSCHK.exe file calls an interactive mode of the OPOS CheckHealth method.
5.2.1 Operation Environment
This tool works as the application of the OPOS Control in the environment where the TRSTA1x POS Printer
OPOS Control works.
5.2.2 Setup and Operation
Double-click the “OPOSCHK.exe” file in the default folder, “C:\OPOS\TEC\TEST”, and the following screen
Names of the devices being installed are listed under the device class icon. Double-clicking a device you
want to check will show the CheckHealth screen for that device.
For the details of the CheckHealth screen and the operation method, please refer to the section, “1.1.4
CheckHealth Method Specifications”.