2. Remove the wing and glue the wing bolt plate onto
the wing.
3. Slide the horizontal stabilizer in the stabilizer slot. Insert
the vertical fi n in the fuselage and through the horizontal stab,
using it to position the horizontal stabilizer.
4. Check that the horizontal stabilizer is parallel with the
wing. If it is not, lightly sand the stabilizer slot until it is parallel.
5. Glue the stabilizer in the fuselage. Use the vertical fi n
to temporarily position the stabilizer. Wipe off any excess
epoxy with a paper towel and denatured alcohol. Remove
the vertical fi n before the epoxy cures.
6. Trim the covering in the leading edge of the rudder for
the tail gear wire. Insert a T-pin in the centerline of a CA hinge.
Insert the CA hinge in the lower leading edge of the rudder.