(12) Cut, fit and glue the 3/32" x 3" balsa wing center
sheeting and 3/32" x 1/4" balsa cap strips to the wing ribs.
(13) Sand the top and bottom leading edge sheeting until it is
flush with the front face of the sub-leading edge, as shown.
Diagonally splice, at the wing centerline, the two 1/4" x 1-1/8"
x 24" balsa leading edge pieces.
You used these pieces as a
trailing edge fixture earlier in the wing construction. Glue them
to the the sub-leading edge
Carve and sand the leading edge to shape as shown.
(14) Sand both ends of the wing smooth. Glue the die-cut
plywood wing tips onto the sanded wing ends.
Sand the edge of the airfoil to insure the wing tip is flush with
the wing.
(15) With the wax paper still positioned over the plan, build
both ailerons using the sticks specified on the plan.
(16) Draw a centerline on the trailing edge of the fin, stabilizer
and wing. Refer to the plans, then mark and cut the hinge slots.