Balance the Model (C.G.)
DO NOT plug the motor battery into the ESC.
1. At this stage the model should be in ready-to-fl y condition
with all of the systems in place including the motor, propeller,
spinner, radio system, battery and battery hatch.
landing gear will have a slight effect on the C.G. position.
2. Use a felt-tip pen or 1/8" [3mm]-wide tape to accurately
mark the C.G. on the top of the wing on both sides of the
fuselage. The C.G. is located 3" [76mm] back from the
leading edge of the wing at the wing root where the wing
meets the fuselage.
This is where your model should balance for the fi rst fl ights.
Later, you may wish to experiment by shifting the C.G. up
to 1/4" [6mm] forward or 1/4" [6mm] back to change the
fl ying characteristics. Moving the C.G. forward may improve
the smoothness and stability, but the model may then
require more speed for takeoff and make it more diffi cult
to slow for landing. Moving the C.G. aft makes the model
more maneuverable, but could also cause it to become too
diffi cult to control. In any case, start at the recommended
balance point and do not at any time balance the model
outside the specifi ed range.
3. With all parts of the model installed (ready to fl y) and a
battery pack in place (do not connect it), place your fi ngers
on the marks you made and balance the model.
4. If the tail drops, the model is “tail heavy” and the battery
pack must be shifted forward or weight must be added to
the nose to balance. If the nose drops, the model is “nose
heavy” and the battery pack must be shifted aft or weight
must be added to the tail to balance.
5. Using a felt-tip pen, mark the position of the battery
pack in the battery compartment. This will help eliminate trim
changes or unwanted surprises each time that you change
the battery. When using different capacity batteries, you
may have to re-balance your plane and place an additional
mark in the battery compartment. If you plan to fl y the model
with and without landing gear, make separate marks to help
you know where to place the battery to balance correctly in
each confi guration.
6. If additional weight is required, use Great Planes
(GPMQ4485) “stick-on” lead. A good place to add stick-on
nose weight is to the motor box under the cowl (don’t attach
weight to the cowl—it is not intended to support weight).
Begin by placing increasing amounts of weight on the top
of the cowl over the fi rewall until the model balances. Once
you have determined the amount of weight required, it can
be permanently attached by removing the cowl and installing
the weight.
If you found it necessary to add any weight,
recheck the C.G. after the weight has been installed.
1. Be certain the model is clean and free from oily
fi ngerprints and dust. Prepare a dishpan or small bucket
with a mixture of liquid dish soap and warm water – about
½ teaspoon of soap per gallon of water. Submerse one of
the decals in the solution and peel off the paper backing.
Note: Even though the decals have a “sticky-back” and are
not the water transfer type, submersing them in soap and
water allows accurate positioning and reduces air bubbles
2. Position the decal on the model where desired. Holding the
decal down, use a paper towel to wipe most of the water away.
3. Use a piece of soft balsa or something similar to
squeegee the remaining water from under the decal. Apply
the rest of the decals the same way.