to wipe away excess epoxy as you proceed. Allow the epoxy
to fully harden before removing the clamps and tape.
7. After the epoxy has hardened, remove the clamps
and carefully peel off the tape. Any residual tape adhesive
may be cleaned with naptha (lighter fl uid) and areas of the
covering that may have lifted from removing the tape may
be retightened with your covering iron.
Hook Up the Ailerons
1. The servo openings are sized for the recommended
servos (Tactic TSX10 servos). If using larger servos, enlarge
the openings as necessary.
2. Attach a 6" [ 150 mm ] servo extension to each
aileron servo. Secure the connections using tape or a
product designed specifically for this purpose.
Install the left aileron servo fi rst…
3. Use the string in the wing to pull the aileron servo
extension through and fi t the servo into the wing.
Refer to this image while mounting the aileron servos
and hooking up the ailerons.
4. Drill 1/16" [1.6mm] holes for the servo mounting screws
and mount the servo in the wing with the mounting hardware
that came with it.
Aileron servo arm
7/16" [11 mm]
#48 (.076")
5. The single-arm servo arms with Tactic TSX10 servos
were used. Use a #48 (.076") drill to enlarge the hole in
the servo arm that is closest to 7/16" [11mm] out from the
center—this will provide about the correct high-rate aileron
throw with the transmitter end points set to 100%.
6. Align the aileron horn with the hinge gap as shown. Then,
drill 1/16" [1.6mm] holes into (but not all the way through) the
aileron and mount the horn with M2 x 8 Phillips wood screws.
7. Remove the M2 x 8 horn mounting screws from the
aileron. Add a few drops of thin CA to each screw hole, allow
to harden, and then re-mount the horn with the screws.
Pushrod Wire
Servo Arm
8. Thread a clevis fi fteen full turns onto a 6" [150mm]
pushrod. Center the aileron and the servo arm, mark, bend