1. Attach the wing to the fuse (for reference) and slide the
Stabilizer into its slot. Center the Stabilizer left and right in the slot.
Hold a string (with one end attached to a pin centered at F-1) out
to a wing tip. Put a piece of tape on the string to mark the
intersection of the string and the Stabilizer tip. Swing the string over
to the other Stabilizer tip and check to see if the distances are the
same (see diagram). Make slight adjustments to the angle of the
Stabilizer until the distances from F-1 to the tips are equal.
2. Stand back 8 to 10 feet and view the model from the rear.
The stab tips should be equally spaced below the level of the
wing. If not, lightly sand one side of the stab slot to correct the
problem. Work slowly and check the alignment often. Also, the
trailing edge must be flush with the aft edge of the fuse.
3. When the alignment looks good, use plenty of 30-minute
epoxy on the bottom of the Stabilizer to securely glue it to the
Stab Base. Note: Do not glue the top of the Stabilizer to the fuse
sides. Hold the Stabilizer in position with pins through the sides
of the fuse while the epoxy cures. Remove any excess epoxy on
the outside of the fuselage with a paper towel dampened with
rubbing alcohol before it cures.
Wing/Stab Align
1. Test fit the Fin into the slot in the top of the fuselage. Slide
the Fin forward until the leading edge of the Fin is against Former
F5. Check the alignment of the Fin with the centerline of the
Fuselage. A straightedge against one side of the Fin can be used
to check alignment. Make adjustments to the slot if necessary.
Pull the Fuselage Top against the Fin. Check the alignment of the
Fin to make sure it remains at a 90 degree angle to the Stabilizer
and also in alignment with the centerline of the Fuselage. Trim
the slot for the Fin in the Fuselage Top as necessary to prevent any
alignment changes in the Fin.
2. Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the Fin in position. Apply epoxy
to both the top of the Stabilizer as well as the bottom edge of the
Fin. Insert the Fin until it touches the Stab. Check the alignment of
the Fin to the Stab with a triangle, then secure it in position with
masking tape until the epoxy has cured. Remove any excess epoxy
with a paper towel and rubbing alcohol before the epoxy cures.
Pull the fuse sides against the fin and pin them securely to the fin.
Continually check the alignment of the Fin to the Stab and fuselage
to make sure it doesn’t shift as the epoxy cures.