5. Remove one of the pins from the trailing edge and slide
out the stab. Install the elevator joiner wire into the stab slot
in the fuselage, making certain to keep the correct orientation
so the elevators will align when refi tted to the joiner.
6. Add a liberal amount of 30-minute epoxy to the top and
bottom of the exposed balsa in the middle of the stab.
certain not to forget to install the elevator joiner wire
into the stab slot as instructed in the previous step!
the stab into place removing excess epoxy as you proceed.
Reinsert the pin to align the trailing edge and make sure the
stab is properly aligned as previously described with the string
and tape. Make sure you’ve cleaned up all residual epoxy
and do not disturb the model until the epoxy has hardened.
7. Test-fi t the vertical stabilizer (fi n) into position. Make
any adjustments necessary for a good fi t and to make sure
the fi n is vertical, then permanently glue it into place with
30-minute epoxy. Use T-pins or clamps as necessary to close
any gaps between the fi n and the fi llet blocks. Any pinholes
from T-pins can be reduced later with a covering iron.
Hinge the Elevators and Rudder
1. Add a small drop of medium CA to the end of one of the
hinges. Insert the hinge halfway into one of the hinge slots in
one of the elevators—
do not use any CA accelerator!
will be just enough CA to keep the hinge from shifting while
joining the control surfaces to the stab and fi n.
2. Tack-glue the rest of the hinges into the hinge slots in
both elevators.
3. After the CA has hardened and all the hinges are in
place, test-fi t the elevators to the stab and joiner. Make sure
the surfaces move easily and smoothly.