You can check the Fail Safe by having an assistant hold the
model or by removing the prop. Run the motor and turn off
the transmitter. Be prepared for the propeller to keep turning
or even speed up in case the Fail Safe has not been set
correctly. If the Fail Safe has been correctly set the motor
will stop when the transmitter is turned off.
2. Use a box or something similar to prop up the fuselage
so the horizontal stabilizer will be level. Check and set the
control throws according to the following measurements:
The throws are measured at the
widest part
of the
elevator and rudder.
These are the recommended control surface throws:
Right & Left
[ 70 mm]
Right & Left
[102 mm]
Right & Left
[13 mm]
Up & Down
[19 mm]
Up & Down
[19 mm]
Up & Down
[ 25 mm]
Up & Down
[ 25 mm]
Up & Down
3 -1/2"
[ 89 mm]
Up & Down
As mentioned in the introduction, the Ultimate is a pretty
gentle fl yer, so extreme exponential values are not necessary.
For low and high rates approximately 20% - 25% exponential
(negative exponential for Futaba and Tactic) is preferred. But
for 3D throws more exponential may be preferred (30% - 40%).
Check the C.G.
Same as the control throws, the C.G. has a great effect on how
the model fl ies. If the C.G. is too far forward the model may
be too stable and unresponsive to control inputs. If the C.G.
is too far aft the model may be too responsive and unstable.
1. If you have not yet done so, mount the propeller and
spinner. The model should be completely ready to fl y with
all components installed (including the motor battery if
using a brushless motor or with the fuel tank empty if using
a glow engine).
2. Lift the model with your fi ngertips on the C.G. lines you
marked on the bottom of the top wing back on page 28. As
long as the model balances anywhere within the specifi ed
range it is acceptable, but less-experienced pilots should
perform fi rst fl ights with the Ultimate balanced in the middle
or forward half of the range.
3. If the Ultimate doesn’t balance where specifi ed, relocate
the receiver battery or motor battery or add stick-on lead
ballast to the nose or tail to achieve the correct C.G.
4. If you’ve made any adjustments by adding ballast or
moving components, check the C.G. again before fl ying.
Balance the Model Laterally
1. Lift the Ultimate several times by the propeller shaft
and the tail to see if one wing drops.
2. If one wing drops consistently, add weight to the
opposite tip by sticking it to the outside or strategically
concealing it inside the wing tip.
An airplane that has
been laterally balanced will track better in fl ight and
maintain its heading better during maneuvers when
the plane is climbing.
Engine/Motor Safety Precautions
Failure to follow these safety precautions may result
in severe injury to yourself and others.
Keep all engine fuel in a safe place, away from high heat,
sparks or fl ames, as fuel is very fl ammable. Do not smoke
near the engine or fuel; and remember that engine exhaust
gives off a great deal of deadly carbon monoxide. Therefore
do not run the engine in a closed room or garage
Get help from an experienced pilot when learning to
operate engines.
Use safety glasses when starting or running engines.
Do not run the engine in an area of loose gravel or sand;
the propeller may throw such material in your face or eyes.
Keep your face and body as well as all spectators away
from the plane of rotation of the propeller as you start and
run the engine.
Keep these items away from the prop: loose clothing, shirt
sleeves, ties, scarfs, long hair or loose objects such as
pencils or screwdrivers that may fall out of shirt or jacket
pockets into the prop.