O.S. Max .46AX
Engine Mount Template
O.S. Max FS .72A
Engine Mount Template
FS .72
Brushless Motor
Mount Template
As mentioned in the introduction, in spite of its aerobatic
design the Ultimate is an easy fl yer. If you’ve prepared your
Ultimate using suggested components as described in
the manual (whether glow or electric), the wing loading is
relatively light which facilitates its landing and general fl ying
characteristics. But no matter what is written here, you still
have to fl y a successful maiden and see for yourself to gain
confi dence, so make sure the throws and C.G. are set up as
specifi ed. Intermediate pilots should takeoff and fl y the fi rst
few minutes on low rates until the Ultimate is trimmed for
straight-and-level fl ight. Learn the Ultimate’s slow-fl ight and
stall characteristics at a high altitude where there is plenty of
time and altitude to recover. The Ultimate doesn’t exhibit any
particular fl ight characteristics that you need to be warned
about ahead of time, but we can tell you that landings will
be easier and gentler if you
the Ultimate in with three
or four
of power to arrest the sink rate allowing it to
gently settle onto the runway.