’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)
2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)
Be extremely cautious when work-
ing on the battery. It contains poi-
sonous and corrosive sulfuric acid.
Remember that battery and ignition
cable carry high currents or volt-
ages. Be careful of accidentally
causing a short circuit.
Add only “Toyota Super Long Life
Coolant” or similar high quality eth-
ylene glycol based non- silicate,
non- amine, non- nitrite, and non- bo-
rate coolant with long- life hybrid
organic acid technology to fill the
radiator. “Toyota Super Long Life
Coolant” is a mixture of 50% cool-
ant and 50% deionized water (for
the U.S.A.) or 55% coolant and 45%
deionized water (for Canada).
If you spill some of the coolant, be
sure to wash it off with water to
prevent it from damaging the parts
or paint.
Do not allow dirt or anything else
to fall through the spark plug holes.
Use only spark plugs of the speci-
fied type. Using other types will
cause engine damage, loss of per-
formance or radio noise.
Do not reuse iridium- tipped spark
plugs by cleaning or regapping.
Do not overfill automatic transmis-
sion fluid, or the transmission
could be damaged.
Do not drive with the air cleaner
filter removed, or excessive engine
wear could result. Also backfiring
could cause a fire in the engine
Be careful not to scratch the glass
surface with the wiper frame.
When closing the engine hood,
check to see that you have not for-
gotten any tools, rags, etc.
Here is a list of parts and tools you will
need to perform do- it- yourself mainte-
nance. Remember all Toyota parts are de-
signed in metric sizes, so your tools must
be metric.
Parts (if level is low):
“Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equiva-
See page 368 in Section 7- 2 for de-
tails about engine oil selection.
Rag or paper towel
Funnel (only for adding oil)
Parts (if level is low):
“Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” or
similar high quality ethylene glycol
based non- silicate, non- amine, non- ni-
trite, and non- borate coolant with long-
life hybrid organic acid technology.
“Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” is a
mixture of 50% coolant and 50% deion-
ized water (for the U.S.A.) or 55%
coolant and 45% deionized water (for
Parts and tools