3. Install the inner flue pipe.
a. From inside the room, insert the inner flue pipe through the hole. Make sure the arrow on the inner flue pipe is
pointing up. Secure the inner flue pipe to the wall with the three wood screws. (See Fig. 4)
Fig. 4
Inner flue pipe
Wood screws
2˚ downward Min.
130~230 mm
c. From outside, insert the outer flue pipe through the hole. Secure the outer flue pipe to the wall by turning it
clockwise. This locks the two halves together (See Fig. 5).
Make sure the arrow on the outer flue pipe frange is pointing up.
Make sure to secure the outer flue pipe well. (A-part shown in Fig. 5)
Fig. 5
Inner flue pipe
2˚ downward Min.
Outer flue pipe flange
Outer flue pipe
Outer flue pipe flange
1. For the standard installation, use the template
sup-plied to position the hole for the flue pipe correctly.
Use cellotape or small nails to attach the template to
the desired position on the wall (see Fig. 1).
2. Drill the hole for the flue pipe. Use a hole saw with a
diameter of 70~80 mm (see Fig. 2). The opening on the
interior side of the wall must be a little higher than the
opening on the outside in order to create a slight
gradient in the feed-through and flue pipe after
installation (approximately 2˚) (see Fig. 3). This ensures
that condensed water in the flue pipe flows to the
outside and prevents the penetration of rainwa-ter and
snow after installation.
The heater must be installed on a strong
and stable floor. The floor must be flat and level. If this
is not the case, the heater can be levelled by means of
adjustable legs. This can be checked with the plumb
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 1
70 mm - 80 mm