Product Code: PROTL500A
Made in China to TQB Brands Pty Ltd specifications
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Prior to each use conduct a visual inspection checking for abnormal conditions, such as cracked welds, leaks, and damaged,
loose, or missing parts.
This TQ Pro Transmission Lifter should always be stored in a dry location on a level surface, disconnected from the air supply
with the cradle fully lowered and the Air Vent Screw closed.
Monthly maintenance is recommended. Lubrication is critical to Transmission Lifters as they support heavy loads. Any
restriction due to dirt, rust, etc, can cause either slow movement or cause extremely rapid jerks damaging the internal
components. The following steps are designed to keep the Transmission Lifter well maintained and operational.
Pivots and pins in all manual pump and release mechanisms [marked X] should be lubricated with a
Light Bearing Grease or 30/40W Machine Oil to ensure long life and prevent premature wear.
Wheel axles and Castor ball races should be lubricated with a Light Bearing Grease or 30/40W
Machine Oil to ensure long life and prevent premature wear.
Cradle Pins, Pivots and Threaded Adjustor Rods [marked X] should be lubricated with a Light Bearing
Grease or 30/40W Machine Oil to ensure long life and prevent premature wear.
Periodically grease the ram shaft divider with a light bearing grease via the grease nipple provided.
Air motors require a minimum of 10 ml of a suitable lubricant such as SAE 32 Grade Hydraulic Oil or
Air Tool Lubricant at weekly intervals dependant on usage where daily/constant use may require
lubrication to occur more frequently.
Dirt is the greatest single cause of failure in hydraulic units. Keep the transmission lifter clean and well lubricated
to prevent foreign matter from entering the system. If the Transmission Lifter has been exposed to rain, snow, sand, or grit
it must be cleaned before it is stored or used.
& Pins
Wheel Axle
Castor Ball Race
with a heavy
30/40W machine oil
Lubricate all
Pivots Pins &
Threaded Rods
Ram shaft
with light
via the