from vibrating equipment as possible.
Cable runs: locating the ADU close to the radio room creates much easier installation.
Interference: the antenna should be installed in the beam of other transmitting antenna
which may generate signals with the potential to interfere. The further away the UltraTrack
TS series antenna is from these other antennas, the less likely is it to be affected by their
Heat source: the antenna assembly unit has to be well away from engine (exhaust gas/
Figure 7 – Site Selection Example
2.4.2 BDU (Below deck Unit: ACU)
The ACU (Antenna Controller Unit) will arrive with the TrackSAT control software pre-installed
and will automatically run on the power up and also operation is largely automatic but it is
desirable that it be monitored periodically. Therefore, it is beneficial that it be sited in a location
with easy operator access.
ACU should be installed in a radio room where:
In a cool and dry location
In a place that not susceptible to magnetic interference LCD display is visible and the
buttons are easily accessible
2.5 Mounting and Installing the Antenna
Once antenna mounting site (on the power tower
or separate antenna post) is identified, make
mounting holes and cable access hole on the
mounting surface. (see Figure – 8 and Appendix F
- Mounting Hole Layout) and follow these steps
for proper installation.
Figure 8 – Mounting pattern