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SFX 20


 Diesel Loco sound capsule

Fits in seconds with no wiring

 - just drop it in!

Tiny capsule

 fits in locos, wagons, coaches, etc

Motion sensor replays sounds automatically


 - no connections so 

works on DC & DCC

Plays real sounds

 recorded from real trains


 Plus version includes adjustable volume

• Set includes Capsule, Sound Tube & Battery

Fit SOUND in any Train!

Image Courtesy 

©Hornby Hobbies

Ideas for fitting SFX into N gauge

A full fact sheet on fitting SFX into N is on or free on request 

Unlike some of our other products it is not possible to power the SFX from 
any battery smaller than the CR2032 which is 20mm in diameter and so too 
large to fit into most N gauge locomotives or stock. However with a little 
imagination it is possible to use SFX in N gauge trains…….

Making SFX an Irregular load

A quick method of using SFX with 
N gauge is to mount and disguise 
SFX on a flat wagon as an 
‘irregular load’

Using SFX+ with other loudspeakers

The SFX Plus capsule allows you to connect and 
use a different speaker 


 of the one fitted.

Almost any loudspeaker of 8


 (8 ohms) should 

be suitable and includes many ‘sugar cube’ and 
‘bass reflex’ speakers designed for model use as 
available from many DCC sound specialists. 
To connect a different loudspeaker first you 



disconnect the existing SFX speaker: 


Remove the battery.


Using plenty of light look at the edge of the 

capsule marked ‘speaker’ and identify both fine 
wires connecting the speaker and circuit board. 
Using a very 


 pair of wire cutters choose 

either of the wires and carefully cut it at both the 
speaker and circuit board end and discard so 
that none is left to stray and touch other circuitry.
•  Strip 


 lengths of insulation off the wires 

from your new speaker, tin ends & carefully 
solder them onto the solder pads either side of 
the word ‘speaker’ on the printed circuit board.

• Check connections, refit the battery and test

Note that you 


 disconnect the internal 

loudspeaker before connecting an external one 
otherwise you will overload the amplifier circuitry.
NB The SFX speaker is bonded to the main 
microchip – not recommended to try & remove!

Fitting SFX inside N gauge

You can also fit SFX into an N 
gauge coach or long wheelbase 
wagon like this box van. The extra 
height required is gained from 
cutting a slot in the base of the 
coach or wagon and fitting the SFX 
with a trimmed down sound tube 
horizontally so that it just under-
hangs between the wheels. It is 
hardly noticeable once fitted!

To help let more sound out we 
trimmed some of the inside rim of 
the roof before refitting it, holding it 
slightly proud of the box van sides 
using a small piece of Blu-Tack or 
similar at each end of the roof. 
Note: This method of fitting requires 
modest modelling skills to cut the 
slot in the base of the stock.

Problems, hints and tips…. 

Sound too quiet?

Use the sound tube supplied, make a sound 
box or adjust the volume – see overleaf. Don’t 
forget to leave gaps / holes to let the sound out!

Clicking or broken sounds?

If you hear clicking or odd broken sounds the 
battery needs replacing.


Remove it using finger 

nail under battery at 

gold connector end first



The SFX+ uses the popular CR2032 battery 
available from discount stores and online – also 
in packs of 3 as Train-Tech BAT1. Battery life 
will depend on your volume setting and how 
often you use the train it is fitted in, but you will 
normally get many hours of sound from a new 
battery, even longer if it is rested occasionally 
because this gives the battery time to recover.

Motion sensor too sensitive?

The motion sensor contains a tiny gold plated 
ball bearing to detect movement. If you find it is 
too sensitive to other trains passing etc you can 
slightly adjust sensitivity by changing orientation 
of the sensor or wrapping the sensor in a small 
piece of foam or tape, but keep it away from the 
speaker & loco motor so they do not interfere. 

How can I turn SFX off?

SFX turns itself on and off automatically with 
motion, but you can turn off SFX temporarily by 
holding a strong magnet close to the sensor 
outside the model which stops the ball bearing 
moving – useful for transporting trains quietly!

Take Care!

Never apply more than 3 volts at correct polarity 
& protect the speaker and all circuit parts from 
damage from damp, wet or higher voltages.

FREE Brochure

 emailed or posted on request

Modifications to SFX+ : recommended for dealers and advanced modellers only

Caution - these modifications require good soldering skills and may invalidate your warranty








Powering SFX+ from larger batteries

The SFX+ is normally powered by a 3V CR2032 
coincell battery to keep the size of the capsule 
down, but although these are low cost & readily 
available can be inconvenient for long periods of 
sound such as exhibitions, shop displays etc.
So if space is available in the locomotive or stock 
then 2 x alkaline AA cells, for example, will power 
the SFX for much longer and a 2 x AA holder will 
just fit inside many OO or larger gauge models – 
you can also include an on-off switch if you wish. 


Note that the SFX must be 

powered by 

3 Volts DC maximum with correct 


 or irreparable damage WILL result!

• Remove CR2032 battery – do not refit!
• Solder red + positive wire from new battery 

holder to pad V on circuit board

• Solder black – negative wire from new battery 

holder to the solder pad at the opposite end of 
the SFX+ board just underneath the speaker

• Check connections, then fit new batteries


Correct polarity & 3 volts MAXIMUM!

AA 1.5 volt battery

AA 1.5 volt battery

Top connect


Bottom connect



