TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
ProtoTRAK SMX, K2, K3 & K4 & Retrofit Safety, Installation, Maintenance, Service and Parts List Manual
Make sure the machine ID key is plugged into the machine or it will not run. Note: Spindle control machines use a
different machine ID key then non-spindle control machines.
Whenever you replace a cable or reroute a cable it is very important to keep the power cables and logic cables separated
from each other. The power cables consist of the (3) 110-volt motor cables and (2) 110-volt power cables for the
pendant, and a coolant pump or solenoid power cable. The logic cables are used to carry encoder signals between the
cable breakout box and computer module. Mixing of the power and logic cables may cause noise from the power cables
to interrupt the signals in the logic cables. This can lead to intermittent axis faults or repeatability problems. See Figure
15 and 16 for a layout of the cable connections.
Make sure the main power is turned off on the back of the electrical cabinet before
plugging in the cables.
Figure 13
Pendant Cable Connections
Left Side P/N 24000-1