Start-up and Shut-dow n
If the carbon tank tem perature exceeds 120 percent of the
regeneration tem perature setpoint, the controller issues a
latching diagnostic, Purge Carbon Regeneration
Tem perature Lim it Exceeded. The purpose of this
diagnostic is to identify a failed heater relay or
tem perature sensor. It disables the purge and opens the
exhaust solenoid valve.
If the carbon tank tem perature does not increase m ore
than 13.3°C (56°F) in the fi rst tw o hours, the controller
generates a non-latching diagnostic, Carbon Regeneration
Tem perature Too Low. The purpose of this diagnostic is to
identify a failed heater or tem perature sensor. It prevents
autom atic regeneration from occurring, but a service
technician can initiate a m anual regeneration for testing
purposes. All other purge algorithm s continue to function.
If the carbon tank tem perature does not reach the
m inim um regeneration tem perature setpoint w ithin 4
hours, the controller generates a non-latching diagnostic,
Purge Carbon Regen Tem perature Not Satisfied. The
purpose of this diagnostic is to identify a failing insulation
system .
The com plete regeneration cycle can take as long as seven
hours to accom plish, but an average chiller does not have
to regenerate very often. A typical regeneration cycle is
depicted in
Figure 51
Purge Status Points
The status points appear on the purge com ponent screen
of the Tracer AdaptiView display. The purge com ponent
screen is accessible from the purge touch target on the
hom e screen of the display.
Time Until Next Purge Run.
Displayed if the purge is
in Adaptive m ode and is idle. It indicates the am ount of
tim e left on the adaptive cycle tim er.
Daily Pumpout—24 Hours.
Indicates the daily
pum pout tim e for the last 24 hours (a m oving 24-hour
w indow ). It indicates how the herm etic integrity of the
chiller com pares to historic pum p-out tim es for the sam e
chiller. It also allow s a check against factory-recom m ended
Average Daily Pumpout—7 Days.
Indicates the
average daily pum p-out tim e for the last 168 hours (a
m oving 168-hour w indow ). Enables a com parison of
present pum p-out tim es to past averages, and can be
another indication of the herm etic integrity of the chiller.
Daily Pumpout Limit/ Alarm.
Indicates the lim it value
that an operator has set in the Settings m enu. When the
daily pum pout rate exceeds this value, purge operation
stops and a diagnostic is generated.
Chiller On—7 Days.
Indicates the percentage of tim e
during the past 7 days (floating 168-hour w indow ) that the
chiller was operating. You can use it to help determ ine if a
leak is present on the high side or the low side of the chiller.
Pumpout Chiller On—7 Days.
Indicates the
percentage of the total purge pum p-out tim e during the
past 7 days that occurred w hile the chiller was operating.
You can use it to help determ ine if a leak is present on the
high side or the low side of the chiller.
Pumpout Chiller Off—7 Days.
Indicates the
percentage of the total purge pum p-out tim e during the
past 7 days that occurred w hen the chiller was not
operating. You can use it to help determ ine if a leak is
present on the high side or the low side of the chiller.
Indicates the total purge pum p-out
tim e that has accum ulated over the life of the purge.
Purge Rfgt Cprsr Suction Temp.
Indicates the purge
refrigerant com pressor suction tem perature. It is useful
for diagnosing purge system problem s.
Purge Liquid Temp.
Indicates the tem perature sensed
by the controller and used to inhibit purge operation. The
purge liquid tem perature sensor, w hen the chiller is
operating, is the chiller saturated condenser tem perature
sensor; w hen the chiller is Off, it is the chiller saturated
evaporator tem perature sensor. If this tem perature is
below the Pum pout Inhibit Tem perature that is defined in
the Settings m enu, pum p out is not allow ed. This value is
used to prevent inefficient operation of the purge under
certain conditions.
Carbon Tank Temp.
Indicates the carbon bed
tem perature and is useful for m onitoring regeneration and
for diagnosing regeneration system problem s.
Figure 51.
Typical carbon regeneration cycle
Tim e ( Hour s)
Summary of Contents for CVHH
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