The Coil, Line Set, and Heater panels are removed
using Phillips head screws.
#3 Size Phillips
Coil and Heater panels must be removed prior to re-
moving the Line Set panel.
To remove Coil Panel:
1. Turn screws on Coil panel.
2. Pull top of panel out, away from cabinet.
3. Pull panel up and out of channel.
4. Set aside.
To remove Heater Panel:
1. Turn screws on Heater panel.
2. Pull panel straight out, away from cabinet.
3. Set aside.
Removal of the Line Set panel is required for all refrig-
erant line brazing and some condensate line assembly
depending on your orientation.
To remove Line Set panel:
1. Remove both Heater and Coil panels.
2. Turn screws on Line Set Panel.
2. Pull panel straight out, away from cabinet.
3. Set aside.
After replacing all panels, loosen the Line Set
Panel screws approximately 1/4 - 1/2 turn. This will
improve the seal between the Heater Panel and Line
Set Panel.