CPSMC13xx-100 PointSystem
Media Converter Slide-in-Modules
Transition Networks media converter slide-in-modules, installed in slots at the front
of the chassis, allow the network administrator to connect various copper and fiber-
optic network media over protocols that include Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, DS3/E3,
and OC-12 as well as many others (see www.transition.com for a complete listing).
Refer to the specific user’s guide that comes with each media converter
slide-in-module for cable, connector, and LED indicator information.
Chassis Face Plates
CAUTION: Slots in the CPSMC13xx-100 chassis without a slide-in-module
installed MUST have a protective chassis face plate (P/N CPSFP-200) covering the
empty slot for Class A compliance.
Install a chassis face plate over any unused chassis slot by aligning the hole in the
face plate with the threaded hole in the chassis. Secure the face place with the
enclosed bolt.
Calculating the Power Consumption
Before installing the media converter, refer to the power consumption
data for each individual media converter (provided in the user’s guide shipped with
each media converter).
The combined power consumption of all devices must not
exceed the available power supply.
Failure to observe this caution could result in
diminishing system reliability.
In other words, the combined power requirements of the CPSMC13xx-100 chassis
all slide-in-modules must be
less than
the available power.
In addition, the maximum power delivery capacity for each chassis slot is 12 Watts,
with an aggregate chassis maximum of 6 Watts per slot. For example, a 12-Watt
slide-in-module media converter would require the power of two slots. Therefore,
only six (6) 12-Watt converters could be installed into the CPSMC13xx-100 chassis.
Six (6) slots must remain unused and the remaining slot can accommodate a slide-
in-module up to 6 Watts.
Contact Transition Networks Tech Support to ensure the power requirements for
your specific application do not exceed the available power.
24-hour Technical Support:
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Chassis Face Plate