1800 816 277
Product HandBook
Measure the travel speed [km/h]
The normal speed for spraying with small boom sprayers is 4–10 km/h. The slower the travel, the higher the
application rate. Adjust travel speed to suit ground conditions.
Measure how many seconds it takes to travel 100 metres with the sprayer attached and half full.
Calculate your travel speed by inserting the time in seconds into the following formula:
Travel speed (km/h) =
distance travelled in metres (say 100m) x3.6 / Time taken (in seconds)
Calculate spray application rate [L/Ha]
First, measure the swath width in metres. For general broadcast spraying, the swath width is equal to the
number of nozzles multiplied by the nozzle spacing. For band spraying the swath width is equal to the total of
all the band widths. Calculate the application rate using the following formula:
Application rate
(L/ha) = (600 x total sprayer output (L/min)) / (swath width (m) x travel speed (km/h))
Example: If total sprayer output is 5 L/min, speed is 8 km/h, and swath width is 6m, Application rate = (600 x
5 = 62.5 L/ha)/(6 x 8 )
If the application rate is less than specified, increase the pressure and repeat calibration to achieve the correct
rate. Once the required rate is achieved, note the following parameters for future reference when using this
Nozzle Fitted
Type (Drop Size)
Application Rate
Spray Pressure
Forward Speed.