Made in Italy
- Structural characteristics
The Sous Vide Cooker was made entirely of AISI
304 stainless steel to ensure hygiene and resistan-
ce to acids and salts, as well as excellent resistance
The heating element consists of a electro-poli-
shed coated spiral element devised especially
for immersion in water.
A stainless steel handle for convenient handling
of the machine.
A motor circuit breaker that detects overvoltage
and overheating.
- Intended use
The Sous Vide Cooker is intended for vacuum co-
oking in a water-filled immersion tank. It does not
cook food in any other way or heat liquids other
than water.
The victim in this case is a conductor: touching him
is to risk electrocution.
It is advisable therefore to disconnect the contacts
directly from the line supply valve, or if this is not
possible, move the victim away using insulation
materials (pieces of wood or PVC, cloth, leather,
The victim should be given immediate medical at-
tention and taken to a hospital.
1.6 - Master data
Please state the machine’s exact “
”, “
” and “
Year of manufacture
” when con-
tacting our assistance service. This will help us give
you a quick and efficient response.
We will ask you to state the machine model and
serial number whenever you
contact us, so make sure to check this on the data
plate, pictured in fig. 1.7.1.
1.5 - Unintended use
The machine must be put to the sole use intended
by the manufacturer; in particular:
Do not
use the machine unless it has been instal-
led correctly and all the protective devices are in
good condition and properly fitted, in order to
prevent the risk of serious harm to yourself.
Do not
touch the electrical components without
having first unplugged the machine: risk of elec-
Do not
start up the machine when this is not
working properly.
Before using the machine, make sure the machi-
ne is perfectly safe and that any dangerous con-
ditions have been eliminated in an appropriate
manner. If there are any irregularities, stop the
machine and request the assistance of a mainte-
nance technician.
Do not
allow unauthorized operators to use the
Emergency action in the event of electrical acci-
dents first of all, remove the victim from the con-
ductor (as he is likely to be unconscious). This ope-
ration is dangerous.
A = machine model
B = serial number
C = motor power in Watts
D = Ampére
E = motor frequency in Volts
F = machine weight in Kg
G = producer
Fig. 1.7.1