Makes underground treasures visible
Instruction manual 19
Sensor settings & calibration
Sensor settings enable users to set sensor sensitivity, stability limit and perform sensor calibration�
Custom sensitivity profile
Custom sensitivity profile can help you to get the best out of DroneRover devices and it is definitely
worth being used once you already get familiar with the device�
Custom sensitivity profile enables user to adjust 3 things:
Stability limit
- unstable drone flight can cause false
sensor reading, by setting stability limit users can
eliminate these false readings, so that they appear as
grey colour when displayed on scan area� Lower stability
limit values mean that the drone needs to fly very stable,
by that we can make sure that measurements are ok, but
on the other side requires the user to navigate the drone
very smoothly� Higher values can be used when it is not
possible to fly stable due to wind or other reasons. Users
should be aware that when the stability limit is set to
higher values, sensor readings might not be as valid as for
the lower stability limit values�
Sensitivity range
- provides user ability to set sensitivity
threshold (left slider) and sensitivity level (right slider).
Signals that are lower than sensitivity threshold will
spread on the screen in green colour - indicating that there
is no object found� By using sensitivity threshold we can
eliminate environmental noise or ignore smaller targets
and underground anomalies�
Sensitivity level
defines the limit of the signal that needs
to be reached to display the target on the scan area with
highest probability (in red colour). Sensitivity level can be
used to compress sensor signals and make smaller
targets more or less visible compared to bigger targets�
In other words, signals lower than the sensitivity threshold
will appear on the scan in green, and will turn yellow and
red when they reach sensitivity level�
Sensor sensitivity defines how strong the signal from the sensor will be when objects or other underground anomalies
are detected� It is recommended to start scanning with HIGHEST sensitivity and reduce it if the signal from the sensor
is too strong� Lower sensitivities when the interest is to only detect very big & massive objects and ignore smaller targets�
There are several profiles available from HIGH to LOW, while experienced and advanced users can also define CUSTOM
sensitivity profile.