Troubleshooting and FAQs
Why doesn’t the Remote Login, ActiveX for endpoint installation
feature not work?
Check for the following:
If the endpoint has a Windows 98, ME, or XP Home, remote login is not
In Windows XP Professional, endpoint users need to disable simple files sharing
by deselecting "Simple files sharing" in Option > View.
Endpoint firewall settings must be disabled for remote login installation.
Ensure the endpoint user account has administrator privileges and that ActiveX
controls can be downloaded.
How many sessions can there be for HTTP, HTTPS, and SSH
management consoles?
HTTP and HTTPS each can have 10 concurrent sessions and SSH can have more
than 10 concurrent sessions.
Does the device block uploading to HTTP?
This version of the device does not support this feature.
Why was I logged out of the remote terminal console?
If you change the current window size, the device automatically logs you out.
After a reboot, when the Preconfiguration console is ready for login
can I use network services?
Network services such as SSH, HTTP, and others will be unable to respond for about
33 seconds.
Why is MSN blocked?
IF the HTTP file blocking settings matches gateway.dll, MSN will be blocked also.
Avoid using *.dll when specifying files to block.
Why is there a login screen when I am completing the Registry Key
scan configuration?
This means you have timed out of the session and will need to login.