Trend Micro™ Network VirusWall™ Enforcer 2500 Administrator’s Guide
Where are non Windows and Unknown OS endpoints displayed?
They are included in the violation count.
Does IM management support LCS?
This version of the device does not support LCS.
Can I create a new account to access the Preconfiguration console?
accounts are the predefined Preconfiguration console
accounts. Administrator accounts allows full access of the Preconfiguration console.
Alternatively, Power User accounts allows you to read the current settings in the
Preconfiguration console menus.
Manage accounts from the Network VirusWall Enforcer 2500 Web console. New
accounts can only be added using the Web console. You can create Administrator,
Power User, and Operator Accounts.
Can I use another Control Manager account to register and manage
Network VirusWall Enforcer 2500 devices?
You can use any Control Manager account in lieu of the root account User ID.
However, Trend Micro recommends using the root account because if you delete the
User ID specified during agent installation, you will have difficulty managing the
Does Network VirusWall Enforcer 2500 support Spanning Tree
Protocol /Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol?
No, Network VirusWall Enforcer 2500 is designed to be a transparent L2 device in
the network, so it will pass those packets through.
How many domains does Network VirusWall Enforcer 2500 support
for user authentication?
In this release, Network VirusWall Enforcer 2500 supports one domain for user