Only the microphones spoken into will be open, thus reducing the amount of
background noise.
With the engine running, set the VOX squelch by slowly rotating the SQ
control knob (the larger, outer knob on left side of unit) clockwise until you no
longer hear the engine noise in the headphones. When the microphone is
positioned properly near the lips, normal speech levels should open the
When you have stopped talking, there is a delay of about ½ second before the
channel closes. This helps prevent choppy communications.
Intercom Modes
The Intercom (I/C) button is a 3-function mode selector that allows the pilot to
tailor the intercom function to best meet the situation; it cycles through the
following modes, from top to bottom:
PILOT: The pilot is isolated from the intercom and is connected only
to the aircraft radios. Co-pilot and passengers will hear the intercom
and Music 1, but not the aircraft radio receptions or pilot
ALL: All parties will hear the aircraft radios, intercom, and Music 1.
CREW: Pilot and co-pilot are connected on one intercom channel and
have exclusive access to the aircraft radios. They may also listen to
Music 1. Passengers can continue to communicate amongst
themselves without interrupting the crew and may listen to Music 2.
When in Split mode the pilot and co-pilot do not have any intercom function,
the passengers will maintain communications.