Installation and Safety Manual
3.4 String Voltage Polarity Check
As with any installation of a PV system, the installer needs to verify polarity and voltage of each string before connecting
them in parallel with one another.
Use MMU display to confirm voltage readings for each of the panels in each string. Lift protective cover on the MMU and
press “MENU”, and then press “ENTER”. Select “1. STATUS”, and press “ENTER”. Next select “1.1. PANELS”, and press “ENTER”.
Scroll down to “1.1.2. VOLTAGE” and press “ENTER”. The display will show a list of all the configured panels in the PV array
with voltages marked next to each panel. Pressing “ENTER” will refresh the screen and provide the most current voltage
readings for all of the panels.
Make a note of any string that has reverse polarity and/or any string that may not have full Voc voltage at this time to
address after the testing the PV-Safe function next.
3.5 Testing the PV-Safe Function
Depress the latch to open the clear protective cover on the MMU and press the button labeled “PVSafe” on the
Trinasmart Management Unit.
When the PV-Safe button is activated, the MMU will display “PV-SAFE PRESSED” and “Requesting ...” to indicate the
command has been sent to the Optimizers. As the Optimizers respond, the MMU display will indicate how many have
successfully disconnected (e.g. “Resp: 15/48”).
Once the system successfully receives acknowledgement from all of the Module Optimizers in the array, the MMU will
display “RESPONDING”.
Should the MMU not receive proper response from one or more of the Module Optimizers or communication has been
lost, the display will read “NOT RESPONDING”. If this message is present, the owner or installer must assume that the
system is still active and voltage is present as in a standard PV array. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for instructions
on verifying the system communication is operating properly.
Please ensure safety precautions are always observed in order to avoid contact with solar wiring regardless of the state
of PV-Safe. Trina Solar cannot guarantee that modules are fully deactivated.
This step should be performed at the installation and annually thereafter to ensure that the PV-Safe
function is in good working order. These same steps can be used when activating the feature for system
maintenance or emergency services.
3.6 Correct any Identified Issues
At this time, if any strings have reverse polarity proceed with corrective rewiring of the strings and go back and redo this
step to verify that the issue has been corrected. If the voltage is not as high as expected, this may be an indication that
one or more of the Optimizers in the string is not communicating with the MMU.
This can also be verified from the Summary tab on the MaxiManager web-interface. Grey panels indicate no
communication. If this is the case go back to re-verify the gateway for better communication with all Optimizers in the
array. Proceed to the next step when all Optimizers are communicating with the MMU.
3.7 Check Power Production
The MMU display can be used to verify power production for each panel in the PV array. Lift protective cover on the MMU
and select “MENU”. Select “1. STATUS”, and then “1.1. PANELS”. Scroll down to select “1.1.3. POWER”. The display will show a
list of all the configured panels in the PV array with wattage values marked next to each panel. Pressing “ENTER” will refresh
the screen and display the most current power output readings for all of the panels in the array.
Since PV-Safe has been activated, you must now activate the panels: First Lift the protective cover on the MMU and select
the “MENU”. Scroll down to select “2. CONTROL”. Scroll down to select “2.1. PANELS ON”. Press “ENTER” again to confirm.