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Cartridges arranged in vertical 

Patented downflow/vertical airflow

Small, solid-welded tube sheet below 
vertical cartridge

Solid welded construction separating
clean air and dirty air plenums

Reverse jet pulse design

Pulse valve silencers

Programmable Smart Boss 
pulse control with digital pressure 
differential sensor


Side Inlet

Explosion Vent Door/Latches

Centrifugal Partial Width Fan

Fan Silencer


Acts as dropout box for sparks

Reduces overhead ductwork clearance

Latches designed to release, eliminating replace-
ment of expensive membrane panels

Eliminates need for volume outlet damper

Reduces sound levels to comply 
with OSHA and EPA standards


Structural integrity of filter is maintained

Ensures consistent air-to-cloth ratio for each filter

Ensures uniform loading of filters while 
minimizing abrasion

Process air assists cleaning action during 
online pulsing

No-flow area below filters acts as settling 
chamber for dusts

Eliminates 90° filter rotation and 22% to 25% filter
area loss inherent with horizontal filters

Gasket seals enhanced as filters load and cartridge
becomes heavier

Eliminates potential for metal distortion and 
possible leakage

Reduces potential for leakage

Venturi-assisted to optimize cleaning effectiveness


Reduces overall system dB



Standard vs. competitor’s option

Allows for on and offline initiation of cleaning cycle

15 digital display functions

Saves compressed air and increases filter life
