Battery Group (#45) -
Selecting this option enables adjustment to the size of
external battery banks’ capacity by groups. If you are using a 200Ah battery system
(2x 100Ah batteries), you would set the battery group to 2. To configure, navigate
to the Battery group screen and select the desired configuration. Settings range
from 01->10 (default value = 01).
[45-Battery group]
Current setting is [01 ]
Enter new value (01->10)
Battery Temperature Compensation (#46) -
Selecting this option enables
configuration of UPS BATTERY TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION related float voltage
reduction during high-temperature conditions in mV/°C/Cell units. To configure,
navigate to the BAT TEMP COMP screen and select the desired temperature
compensation value.
[46-Battery Temperature Compensation]
Current setting is [-03mv/Deg C/Cell]
0) Set to -2.5mv/Deg C/Cell
1) Set to -3.0mv/Deg C/Cell
2) Set to -3.5mv/Deg C/Cell
3) Set to -4.0mv/Deg C/Cell
Test Timer (#47) -
Selecting this option enables the configuration of the UPS
TEST TIME, the maximum duration that the UPS will perform a battery mode
self-test. To configure, navigate to the TEST TIME screen and enter the desired
maximum test time duration from 1 to 255 minutes (factory default is 1 minute).
[47-Test Timer]
Current setting is [001min)
Enter New Value