The Seat (98 - 2) (66) of this bike is fully adjustable both Vertically and Horizontally.
To adjust the height of the Seat Slider Tube (5), loosen and pull the Adjustment Knob (M16 X 1.5 X 22 X Ø56) (62)
outward, then raise or lower the Seat (98 - 2) (66) to the desired height. Once adjusted, re-insert and tighten the
Adjustment Knob (M16 X 1.5 X 22 X Ø56) (62) to secure the Seat (98 - 2) (66) in place. To adjust the Seat (98 - 2) (66)
back and forth, loosen and pull the Adjustment Knob (M16 X 1.5 X 22 X Ø56) (62), then slide the Seat (2) to the
desired position. Once positioned, re-insert and tighten the Adjustment Knob (Ø50 x 20 x M8 x 15) (73) to secure the
Seat Slider Tube (5) in place.
#20M01T007 SPIN 120 UM.indd 13
28/01/2020 08:39