Proprietary & Confidential
TRUE Fitness Technology, Inc.
Proprietary & Confidential
TRUE Fitness Technology, Inc.
The elevation systems on all True Treadmills use AC
(Alternating Current) motors to lift the treadmill to the
desired elevation. This system uses a command from the
upper control board that is sent to the lower board which in
turn sends an AC voltage to the windings of the elevation
motor. There are two sets of windings on the AC incline
motor, one for each direction of motor movement. The
elevation motor has a potentiometer that sends a
feedback voltage back to the upper control board. This
voltage is converted into a digital signal and is displayed
on the upper board during Calibration Mode
see pg 47).
Note: On units with Smart
Board -> 5 volts originates at
Smart Board. All other units,
-> 5V originates at upper board
Tread Service Manual - July 2011