Connection button
Forward/Reverse joy stick
Brake button
Speed select button
High speed indicator
Normal speed indicator
Low speed indicator
Joy stick
Use the Remote Controller
• Leave the remote controller idling for about 10 seconds, it will shut down
• Repeat step 1 when you replace the batteries of the remote controller.
Lift the battery compartment door on the back of the controller and insert two
AAA(LR03) batteries.
NOTE: This product did not included the AA(LR6) batteries.
Follow the
battery information on page 1.
1. Connection button
Long press the
Connection button
for 2~4 seconds first; Then turn on the
power button located on the vehicle dashboard console, when the status
means the connection successful. If the status indicator no
response, means the connection failed. Replace the batteries and repeat the
steps above and try again.
2. Brake button
Press the button to stop the vehicle, press it again to release the brake.
3. Speed select button
The switch operates the vehicle to move in low, normal or high speed.
HINT: The vehicle is designed to operate in low speed only in reverse.
The remote control has precedence over foot pedal operation.
(The foot pedal won’t work while you operate the Remote Controller)