you will select the next profile (the second one – if
the first was selected).
If the Rec button was pressed once or if there is no
any button activity within seconds, the recorder
will switch into the stand-by mode and the selected
profile will be saved.
Recording Mode
In the stand-by mode, press the Rec button twice
– after a short LED’s flash, the recorder will start
recording. The red LED will flash with a 3 second
period. The recorder will continue to record until
the Rec button is pressed twice.
To stop recording for a while, press the Rec button
once and the red LED will start flashing more
frequently. Then to continue recording, press the
Rec button and the recorder will start recording
and the red LED will be flashing with a 3 second
period again.
If while recording, the recorder’s free memory is
over or the rechargeable battery is discharged,
the recorder will switch into the stand-by mode
automatically. The recorder can’t switch into the
Rec mode until its Flash memory does not have a
free space or its battery is not charged.