When you turn on the Voice Activating System,
the recorder checks the level of the audio signal.
If the signal is above the threshold (you can
change the threshold in the recorder’s settings),
the recorder saves the audio signal. Every time
when the signal becomes below the threshold
(silence), recording will stop, but the duration
of this pause will be saved. Recording will start
again when the signal is above the threshold.
The LED indication is the same as in other modes
(two successions) when the audio signal is above
threshold. When the signal is below threshold, the
LED has a weak luminescence.
When you upload the recording to a PC, you can
decide what to do with the pauses: to save them
in the file or delete. If you save the pauses, the
audio recording duration will be equal to the audio
signal’s duration. If you do not save the pauses,
in a file, all the recorded parts will go on one after
another without breaks. It is possible to copy and
play back some voice segments in the recordings,
using VAS.
Timer recording
Recording can start automatically with the help of
built-in timers. The recorder has two timers: a once