3.4 Cutter Function
(Unlike the aforesaid self-peeling function, the cutter function is not a standard
device of this printer. To have this function, user should additionally purchase the
cutter set, which includes a cutter module and a detachable front panel.)
To employ the cutter function, follow the steps below.
1. Open the printer cover and front panel.
2. Unfasten the front panel, replace it with the one that goes with the cutter
3. Install the cutter module. First fit the cutter module in the slits at the front edge
of the carriage and slide the module to the right. After that, fix the cutter
module in place with the provided tap screw; and then connect the cutter to
the power connector below and to the right of the carriage.
4. Install the ribbon and feed the labels as shown.
5. Put back the front panel and top cover.
Figure 8 Cutter Function Installation
1. Label
2. Cutter Module
3. Cutter Power Connector
4. Cutter Mode Front Panel
5. Cutter Power Cord (Insert the cord in cord clips right under the carriage)
6. Screw