Stagetracker II User Manual
Both Positioning and communication with the Stagetracker II™ RadioEyes are defined in this tab. Make sure to
enter the correct IP address (found on the back of the Stagetracker II™ RadioEye) and give the Stagetracker II™
RadioEye a friendly name to easier
identify them. The X, Y and Z coordinates for each Stagetracker II™ RadioEye
are calculated using the Stage Markers defined in chapter 9.4.1 above and a laser rangefinder with the
following procedure:
Use a laser rangefinder to measure the distance from Stage Marker ID #1 to all the Stagetracker II™
RadioEyes in the system. Aim for the center of the Stagetracker II™ RadioEye when measuring
enter the distance for
the given Stagetracker II™ RadioEye in the correct field.
Repeat step 1 for each Stage Marker until all fields are filled. This process can be simplified using a
laser rangefinder with Bluetooth functionality. The process if as follows:
Connect the laser
rangefinder with Bluetooth to the computer running the Stagetracker II™
Controller. Refer to the documentation for your equipment on how to do this.
the first Stagetracker II™ RadioEye field for Stage Marker ID
Measure the distance from Stage Ma
rker ID #1 to the given Stagetracker II™ RadioEye and
send the data from the laser rangefinder to the Stagetracker II™ Controller with the
Bluetooth functionality. The text marker automatically enters the next field and will be ready
for the next measurements.
Repeat step a to c for the remaining Stage Markers and Stagetracker II™ RadioEyes.
With all distances measured the Stagetracker II™ system is ready for Positioning. Make sure all the Use
checkboxes are enabled for the measurements intended for Positioning (every checkbox should be
enabled in most use cases) and press the Calculate button
for the first Stagetracker II™ RadioEye.
The Stagetracker II™ system d
oes a calculation and prompts the User to verify the height of the given
Stagetracker II™ RadioEye with a laser rangefinder. If the numbers match, press OK and the Stagetracker
II™ system will enter the correct X, Y and Z coordinates for the given Stagetracker II™ RadioEye. If not,
press Cancel and repeat the process of measuring distances. If necessary, the User might need to define
more Stage Markers.
Repeat the process for the remain
ing Stagetracker II™ RadioEyes.