On the main control PCB unit, there are 3 LED lights are designed to show the current status of the Seawolf
submarine. You can observe the light and refer to the following chart to get the light information.
Combined with a auto protecting system on the main PCB control board, if the system detects low battery power,
low transmission signal, leakage(water inside hull), then the roll pump will auto start to flood the water out of the
ballast tank to make the submarine float back to the surface. At the same time, the Red LED light will flash.
Light Sign
Light Sign
Seawolf Status
Seawolf Status
Base on the Archimedes principle—principle that states a body immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal
to the weight of the displaced fluid. The principle applies to both floating and submerged bodies.
So base on this principle, equipped with a roll pump with ballast tank device in the inner hull, through the pump
operating system to draw or drain the water into or out of the ballast tank to change the weight of the submarine.
With suitable design of the volume and weight, then it is easy to operate the Seawolf diving or floating and even
static stay under the water. So we call this the static diving system just like the real submarine.
The buoyancy of an object depends, therefore, only upon two factors: the object's volume, and the density of
the surrounding fluid. So when you choose the diffierence water(with diffierence density) to play, you have to read-
just the weight unit to make the submarine can be diving and floating smoothly and quickly. Normally, it need take
about 50 seconds from floating to diving.