12.2.10 Indicator for the top limit for lifting Nova
This indicator is lit when the lifting of the seeder fertilizer is stopped. The level
where the lifting is stopped is higher when the full-lift feature is on and lower when
the low-lift feature is on.
12.2.11 Indicator for the low limit for lifting Nova
This indicator is lit when the lifting of the seeder fertilizer is stopped.
Down-pressure adjustment affects the low limit for raising. If the field surface is hard
and the containers of the machine are relatively empty, the machine may not lower
itself to the low limit, but the weight of the machine will be used to determine the
maximum down-pressure.
12.2.12 Indicator for Nova
/ Titan
’s elimination limit
This LED light is illuminated when the machine changes between seeding
and carriage positions. The value for the changing is set above the low-lift
feature’s top limit value.
Seeder connecting box
The connecting box attached to the front side of the seeder has, in addition to the
processor unit, a relay controlling the tramlining device’s solenoids, and fuses (20 A)
for the tramlining device and for the rest of the system (10 A).
Figure 25. Connecting box for Tume Titan
System fuse
10 A