Advance sensor’s indicator
This LED light blinks when the sensor in the rear wheel sends a signal to indicate
that the wheel is rotating.
Fertilizing-shaft rotation indicator
This LED lights blinks when the fertilizing-shaft rotation control sensor sends a
signal to indicate that the shaft is rotating.
Seed-shaft rotation indicator
This LED lights blinks when the seed-shaft rotation control sensor sends a signal to
indicate that the shaft is rotating.
Fertilizer-container level control sensor’s indicator
This LED lights is illuminated if there is empty space in front of the measuring head
of the fertilizer-container level sensor (e.g. if there is no fertilizer )
Seed-container level control sensor’s indicator
This LED light is illuminated if there is empty space in front of the measuring head
of the seed-container level sensor (e.g. if there are no seeds )
Elimination sensor indicator
This LED light is illuminated when the seed fertilizer is raised.
Tramlining device indicator
This LED light is illuminated when voltage is applied to the solenoids of the plenum
chambers which produce tramlines. (light is on only when are seeding)
Indicator for left marker
This LED light is illuminated when voltage is applied to the electro-hydraulic valve
of the left marker.
Indicator for right marker
This LED light is illuminated when voltage is applied to the the electro-hydraulic
valve of the right coulter.
12.1.10 Low-lift indicator
This LED light is illuminated when voltage is applied to the control unit of the low-
lift feature (not in JC, but in Vega the solenoid next to the three-way valve and in
Nova and Titan the electro-hydraulic valve which prevents lifting). in JC is controlled
by a hydraulic rear harrow function.
12.1.11 Not in use
12.1.12 Indicator for markers’ pole-lifting feature
This LED light is illuminated when voltage is applied to the markers’ electro-
hydraulic valve for pole-lifting.
12.1.13 Type plate