ALB – Auto Low Battery
When the battery is low the Universal Sensor will automatically
notify the monitoring centre. The battery should be replaced
within 2 weeks of receiving an ALB warning. The ALB warning will
be generated every 7 days or upon generating a radio message
until the battery has run out.
AP – Auto Presence
On supporting Tunstall systems, Auto Presence provides
additional checks to provide reassurance that the Universal
Sensor is functioning. When AP is active the Universal Sensor
sends a signal to the home unit every 4 hours.
If the Tunstall System has not seen 18 consecutive AP messages,
it will generate an AP failure message which informs the
monitoring centre there is a problem with the Universal Sensor
e.g. it has been removed from the property, it has stopped working
or the battery has been removed.
If the Universal sensor is used in AP mode and removed from the
property, the device will need to be deleted from the system,
otherwise AP failure alarms will continually be generated.