background image



•  Clean the equipment with a soft, 

absorbent cloth after each use.

•  Regularly check that all screws and nuts  

are tight.

•  If necessary, lubricate the joints.

Defects and malfunctions

Despite continuous quality control, defects and 
malfunctions caused by individual parts can 
occur in the equipment. In most cases, it will be 
sufficient to replace the defective part.


- If the equipment does not function properly, 

immediately contact the dealer.


- Provide the model number and the serial 

number of the equipment to the dealer. State 
the nature of the problem, conditions of use 
and purchase date.


Tunturi purchaser‘s warranty

Warranty terms

The consumer is entitled to the applicable 
legal rights stated in the national legislation 
concerning the commerce of consumer goods. 
This warranty does not restrict these rights. The 
Purchaser’s Warranty is only valid if the item is 
used in an environment approved by Tunturi 
New Fitness BV for that particular equipment. 
The product-specific approved environment 
is stated in the Owner’s Manual provided with 
your equipment. 

Warranty conditions

The warranty conditions commence from the 
date of purchase. Warranty conditions may vary 
per country, so please consult your local dealer 
for the warranty conditions.

Warranty coverage

Under no circumstances shall Tunturi New 
Fitness BV or the Tunturi Distributor be liable 
by virtue of this warranty or otherwise for any 
special, indirect, secondary or consequential 
damages of any nature arising out of any use or 
inability to use this equipment.

Warranty limitations

This warranty covers manufacturing defects in 
the fitness equipment as originally packed by 
Tunturi New Fitness BV. The warranty shall apply 
only under conditions of normal, recommended 
use of the product as described in the Owner’s 
Manual and providing that Tunturi New Fitness 
BV’s instructions for installation, maintenance 
and use have been complied with. Neither 
Tunturi New Fitness BV’s nor the Tunturi 
obligations apply to defects due to reasons 
beyond their control. The warranty applies 
only to the original purchaser and is valid only 
in countries where Tunturi New Fitness BV has 
an authorised importer. The warranty does not 
extend to fitness equipment or components 
that have been modified without the consent 
of Tunturi New Fitness BV. Defects resulting 
from normal wear, misuse, abuse, corrosion, 
or damage incurred during loading or 
transportation are not covered. 

The warranty does not cover sounds or noises 
emitted during use where these do not 
substantially impede the use of the equipment 
and where they are not caused by a fault 
in the equipment. The warranty does not 
cover defects arising from the failure to carry 
periodic maintenance as outlined within the 
Owner’s Manual for the product. Furthermore, 
the warranty does not cover defects arising 
from usage and storage within an unsuitable 
environment as described within the Owner’s 
Manual which should be indoors, dry, dust 

Summary of Contents for Cardio Fit mini bike M35

Page 1: apparaat installeert Leggere questo manuale prima di assemblare questo prodotto Lea este manual antes de montar este producto L s bruksanvisningen innan du monterar denna produkt Lue t m k sikirja...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...3 All M35 A...

Page 4: ...4 All M35 B...

Page 5: ...5 All M35 C D 5 Screw M5x15 41 Multi Function wrench 100 cm 100 cm 100 cm 100 cm 40 inch 40 inch 40 inch 40 inch...

Page 6: ...6 All M35 D 1 5 Screw M5x15 41 Multi Function wrench...

Page 7: ...7 All M35 D 2 5 Screw M5x15 41 Multi Function wrench...

Page 8: ...8 All M35 E...

Page 9: ...d strain start each workout by warming up and finish each workout by cooling down Remember to stretch at the end of the workout The equipment is suitable for indoor use only The equipment is not suita...

Page 10: ...ed to dieting should exercise daily at first 30 minutes or less at a time gradually increasing the daily workout time to one hour Start your workout at low speed and low resistance to prevent the card...

Page 11: ...ould increase resistance making your legs work harder You will have to reduce your speed to keep your heart rate in the target zone Weight loss The important factor here is the amount of effort you pu...

Page 12: ...M Cal Automatically accumulates calories burnt when exercising Range 0 9999 NOTE This data is a rough guide for comparison of different exercise sessions which cannot be used in medical treatment Expl...

Page 13: ...arranty or otherwise for any special indirect secondary or consequential damages of any nature arising out of any use or inability to use this equipment Warranty limitations This warranty covers manuf...

Page 14: ...of in land fill sites We therefore ask that you dispose of all packaging waste responsibly at public recycling centres End of life disposal We at Tunturi hope you enjoy many years of enjoyable use fro...

Page 15: ...u Gefahrensituationen f hren Personen die f r deren Sicherheit verantwortlich sind m ssen klare Anweisungen geben oder den Gebrauch des Ger ts beaufsichtigen Bevor Sie Ihr Training starten nehmen Sie...

Page 16: ...enfolge zusammen Tragen und bewegen Sie das Ger t mit mindestens zwei Personen VORSICHT Stellen Sie das Ger t auf festen ebenen Boden Stellen Sie das Ger t auf eine sch tzende Unterlage um Sch den am...

Page 17: Phase sollte mindestens 12 Minuten dauern die meisten Menschen beginnen mit ca 15 bis 20 Minuten Die Abk hlungs Phase Sie dient der Entspannung Ihres Herz Kreislaufsystems und Ihrer Muskeln Dabei w...

Page 18: ...Vergewissern Sie sich dass Ihre N gel oder andere scharfe Gegenst nde die Anzeige nicht ber hren HINWEIS Die Konsole schaltet in den Standby Modus wenn das Ger t 4 Minuten lang nicht verwendet wird E...

Page 19: ...UNG Entfernen Sie vor der Reinigung und Wartung den Adapter Verwenden Sie zur Reinigung des Ger ts keine L sungsmittel Reinigen Sie das Ger t nach dem Gebrauch mit einem weichen aufnahmef higen Lappen...

Page 20: ...ri New Fitness BV autorisierten Importeur gibt Die Garantie gilt nicht f r solche Fitnessger te oder Teile an denen ohne Zustimmung der Tunturi New Fitness BV Ver nderungen vorgenommen worden sind Die...

Page 21: ...einer anerkannten ffentlichen Entsorgungsstelle verantwortlich Herstellererkl rung Tunturi New Fitness BV erkl rt hiermit dass das Produkt folgenden Normen und Richtlinien entspricht EN 957 HC 89 336...

Page 22: ...sques Les personnes charg es de leur s curit doivent leur fournir des instructions explicites ou superviser leur usage de l quipement Avant de commencer vos exercices effectuez un bilan de sant aupr s...

Page 23: ...mager la surface du sol Pr voyez un d gagement d au moins 100 cm 40 inch autour de l quipement Consultez les illustrations pour l assemblage correct de l quipement Exercices Un exercice doit tre suffi...

Page 24: ...jectif de laisser votre syst me cardiovasculaire et vos muscles reprendre leur rythme normal Il s agit d une r p tition de l exercice d chauffement Baissez le rythme et continuez pendant environ 5 min...

Page 25: ...c le bout du doigt Assurez vous de ne pas toucher l affichage avec vos ongles ou des objets coupants NOTE La console passe en mode de veille si l quipement n est pas utilis pendant 4 minutes Explicati...

Page 26: ...ux instructions AVERTISSEMENT Avant le nettoyage et la maintenance retirez l adaptateur N utilisez aucun solvant pour nettoyer l quipement Nettoyez l quipement avec un chiffon doux et absorbant apr s...

Page 27: ...s aux quipements de fitness ou aux pi ces qui ont t modifi es sans l autorisation de Tunturi New Fitness BV La garantie ne s applique pas aux d fauts provenant d une usure normale d une utilisation in...

Page 28: ...ration du fabricant Tunturi Fitness BV d clare que le produit est conforme aux directives et normes suivantes EN 957 HC 89 336 CEE Ce produit porte donc la marque CE 01 2017 Tunturi New Fitness BV Pur...

Page 29: instructies geven of toezicht houden op het gebruik van het toestel Laat uw gezondheid door een arts controleren voordat u met uw training begint Als u misselijkheid duizeligheid of andere abnormal...

Page 30: om schade aan het vloeroppervlak te voorkomen Houd rondom de apparatuur ten minste een bewegingsruimte van 100 cm Raadpleeg de illustraties voor de juiste assemblage van het toestel Trainingen De...

Page 31: ...uptraining Verlaag dus uw tempo en ga ongeveer 5 minuten door Herhaal nu de stretch oefeningen Forceer uw spieren niet tijdens het stretchen Naarmate u fitter wordt moet u langer en harder trainen Het...

Page 32: ...p volgorde door elke modus Time Speed Odo RPM Dist Cal Time Telt automatisch de trainingstijd op terwijl u traint Bereik 00 00 59 59 Speed Hier ziet u de huidige snelheid Bereik 0 999 9 km h Wanneer t...

Page 33: ...waliteitscontrole kan het gebeuren dat het toestel door individuele onderdelen defect is of niet goed werkt In de meeste gevallen zal het voldoende zijn om het defecte onderdeel te vervangen Als het t...

Page 34: mits de montage onderhouds en gebruiksaanwijzingen van Tunturi zijn opgevolgd Tunturi New Fitness BV en zijn wederverkopers zijn niet aansprakelijk voor defecten tengevolge van factoren waarop zij...

Page 35: ...ind van de bruikbare levensduur heeft bereikt Onder de Europese AEEA wetgeving bent u verantwoordelijk voor het op de juiste wijze afvoeren van uw fitnessapparaat naar een erkend openbaar inzamelpunt...

Page 36: ...l uso dell apparecchio Prima di iniziare l allenamento consultare un medico per verificare il proprio stato di salute Se si avvertono nausea vertigini o altri sintomi anomali interrompere immediatame...

Page 37: ...gio dell apparecchio Allenamenti L allenamento deve essere adeguatamente leggero ma di lunga durata L esercizio aerobico si basa sul miglioramento del consumo massimo di ossigeno del corpo che a sua v...

Page 38: ...drebbero ripetuti ricordandosi sempre di non forzare o strappare i vostri muscoli nello stretching A mano a mano che sarete pi in forma potreste aver bisogno di allenarvi di pi e pi a lungo Si consigl...

Page 39: ...e Accumula automaticamente la durata dell esercizio quando si lavora Range 00 00 59 59 Speed Velocit Visualizza la velocit di allenamento corrente Range 0 999 9 km h Senza nessun segnale trasmesso nel...

Page 40: ...enditore Fornire il numero di modello e il numero di serie dell apparecchio al rivenditore Comunicare la natura del problema le condizioni d uso e la data d acquisto Garanzia Garanzia dell attrezzo sp...

Page 41: ...nti sono per esempio la sostituzione del pannello dei pedali o di altri componenti analoghi La garanzia non copre gli interventi di riparazione previsti se non vengono eseguiti da un rappresentante au...

Page 42: ...isar el uso de la m quina Antes de empezar a hacer ejercicio consulte con un m dico para comprobar su estado de salud Si experimenta nauseas mareos u otros s ntomas anormales deje de hacer ejercicio i...

Page 43: ...cio La sesi n de ejercicio debe ser ligera pero de larga duraci n El ejercicio aer bico se basa en mejorar el consumo de ox geno m ximo del cuerpo lo que a su vez mejora la resistencia y la forma f si...

Page 44: ...scos A medida que vaya mejorando su forma f sica es posible que el entrenamiento tenga que ser m s largo e intenso Es aconsejable entrenarse al menos tres veces a la semana espaciando de manera unifor...

Page 45: ...ime Speed Odo Rpm Dist Cal Time Acumula autom ticamente el tiempo de ejercicio Rango 00 00 59 59 Speed Velocidad Muestra la velocidad actual del entrenamiento Rango 0 999 9 Km h Si no se transmite nin...

Page 46: ...idad continuo la m quina puede presentar defectos y fallos ebidos a piezas individuales En la mayor a de los casos ser suficiente sustituir la pieza defectuosa Si la m quina no funciona correctamente...

Page 47: ...corrosi n o da os sufridos durante la carga o el transporte La garant a no cubre los sonidos o ruidos emitidos durante el uso que no impidan de forma sustancial la utilizaci n del equipo y que no est...

Page 48: ...vas EN 957 HC 89 336 CEE Por tanto el producto dispone de marcado CE 01 2017 Tunturi New Fitness BV Purmerweg 1 1311 XE Almere The Netherlands Descargo de responsabilidad 2017 Tunturi New Fitness BV R...

Page 49: ...lsa Om du upplever illam ende yrsel eller andra onormala symptom avsluta genast din tr ning och kontakta en l kare B rja varje tr ningspass med att v rma upp och avsluta varje tr ningspass med nedvarv...

Page 50: ...ndition tr na tminstone tre g nger i veckan 30 minuter t g ngen ka antalet tr ningspass f r att f rb ttra din kondition Det r bra att kombinera regelbunden tr ning med h lsosam kost En person som har...

Page 51: ...du st lla in en ganska h g belastning Detta belastar benmusklerna mer och kan inneb ra att du inte kan tr na s l nge som du vill Om du ven f rs ker f rb ttra din kondition m ste du ndra ditt tr ningsp...

Page 52: ...minut Omr de 0 9999 Om ingen signal har verf rts till monitorn inom 4 sekunder under tr ningen visar COUNT 0 Dist Sparar distansen automatiskt n r du tr nar Omr de 0 00 9999 Km Cal Sparar br nda kalor...

Page 53: ...erf rs ljare Garantin g ller ej f r redskap eller delar som har ndrats utan Tunturi New Fitness BV s godk nnande Garantin g ller ej f r fel som beror p normalt slitage felaktig anv ndning anv ndning i...

Page 54: standarder och direktiv EN 957 HC 89 336 EEG Produkten r d rf r CE m rkt 01 2017 Tunturi New Fitness BV Purmerweg 1 1311 XE Almere Nederl nderna Friskrivning 2017 Tunturi New Fitness BV Alla r ttig...

Page 55: ...loittamista ota yhteys l k riin terveystarkastusta varten Jos sinulla on pahoinvointia huimausta tai muita ep tavallisia oireita lopeta v litt m sti harjoitus ja ota yhteys l k riin V lt lihaskipuja j...

Page 56: ...tellen lis ten p ivitt inen harjoitusaika yhteen tuntiin Aloita harjoituksesi hitaalla nopeudella ja pienell vastuksella est ksesi liiallisen rasituksen syd n verisuonij rjestelm n Nopeutta ja vastust...

Page 57: ...sinun pit asettaa vastus suureksi Silloin jalkojesi lihakset rasittuvat enemm n etk ehk pysty treenaamaan niin pitk n kuin haluaisit Jos tavoitteenasi on my s kunnon kohentaminen sinun pit muuttaa ha...

Page 58: ...RPM on 0 Dist Laskee automaattisesti harjoittelun aikana kertyneen harjoittelumatkan Alue on 0 00 9999 Cal Laskee automaattisesti harjoittelun aikana poltetut kalorit Alue on 0 9999 HUOM N m tiedot o...

Page 59: ...hdot Takuuehdot tulevat voimaan tuotteen ostop iv st lukien Takuuehdot voivat olla erilaiset eri maissa joten pyyd takuuehdot paikalliselta j lleenmyyj lt Takuun kattavuus Miss n olosuhteissa Tunturi...

Page 60: ...nt m n kaatopaikoille toimitetun j tteen m r Sen vuoksi pyyd mme sinua toimittamaan kaikki pakkausj tteet sit varten tarkoitettuun kierr tyspisteeseen Laitteen h vitt minen k yttoi n p ttyess Me Tuntu...

Page 61: ...61 All M35...

Page 62: ...uare plate 4 16 Allen bolt M8x15L 2 17 Magnetic assembly 1 18 Sensor wire 1 19 Bolt M5x20L 1 20 Bolt M5x10L 1 21 Computer 1 22 Flange nut M10x7tx1 25P 2 23 Self tapping screw ST4 2x12L 8 24 Chain cove...

Page 63: ......

Page 64: ...Tunturi New Fitness BV Purmerweg 1 NL 1311 XE Almere P O Box 60001 NL 1320 AA Almere The Netherlands www tunturi tness com 20170915...
