4. Seat ‘Unlock’ position
Seat lock operation is inbuilt in ‘All in one lock’ of TVS
Jupiter 125. To open the seat, keep the key in ‘OFF’
position and turn it to anticlockwise direction without
pushing the key ‘IN’.
To lock the seat again, press the seat at the rear end
to its position till a ‘Click’ sound is heard.
5. Fuel tank cap ‘Unlock’ position
Fuel tank cap lock operation is inbuilt in ‘All in one
lock’ of TVS Jupiter 125. To open the fuel tank cap,
keep the key in ‘OFF’ position, push the key ‘IN’ and
turn it to clockwise direction. The tank cap opens
To close the fuel tank cap, press the cap at the front
end to its position until a ‘Click’ sound is heard.
While closing the fuel tank cap press at the dotted mark
area of the cap for easy closing.