Get Started!
First Name Server
This can be found in your Internet Service Provider User's Guide. It will
look something like this, 123.321.88.99. These series of numbers indicate
the location of the first ISP server to which TVsurf can connect and access
the Internet. It is also called the Primary DNS or First Domain Name.
Second Name Server
This can be found in your Internet Service Provider User's Guide. It will
look something like this, 123.321.88.99. These series of numbers indicate
the location of the second ISP server which TVsurf can connect and ac-
cess the Internet. It is also called the Secondary DNS or Second Domain
Name. Certain ISPs may not provide this. In this case, leave this blank.
Login Name
This is the name you use to login to your ISP account. This name is pro-
vided by your ISP upon applying for your Internet account.
Login Password
This is the dial-in password provided by your ISP upon applying for your
Internet account.
Idling Time to Cut the Line (10 minutes)
When you do not access any web site for sometime (idling), TVsurf can
disconnect from the Internet automatically. This saves cost for Internet
account plans that are based on connection time. You can therefore set the
time before disconnection. TVsurf will automatically reconnect when nec-