Section 2 – Start up and normal use
2.1 Filling up with fuel
When filling up with fuel the stoker must be stopped (press “Stop”) 1 to 2
minutes prior to opening the lid to the fuel store, to prevent flue gasses from
being pressed back into the store. The door to the ash chamber must always be
closed during the process to maintain normal draft through the chimney
Avoid emptying the fuel store before refilling. It is a good rule of thumb to fill up with
fuel, when the store is ¾ empty. The lid to the store is opened by turning the two
handles anti-clock-wise, one at a time. The store should never be totally filled, as that
prevents the stirrer from working (See fig 2)
Section 2 – Start up and normal use
The stirrer system should not be
used by granulated fuels, such as
wood pellets, grains and the like
The chain for stirrer is not mounted
from factory
(See enclosure 1)
If you use a fuel, which has a
tendency to “build bridges”, such
as wood chips or the like, then mount chain and stirrer wings on plate stirrer
See enclosure 1)
When you have finished filling up with fuel, the lid must be carefully closed by means of
the two rotating handles,
which always must be tightly closed
. When pressing
START, the boiler will continue the operation.
Please be aware that the gasket in the store lid is cleaned for fuel remains, so that the
lid can close tightly
2.2 Taking fuel forward to the burner tube
If the stoker is new or if the store has been totally emptied, fuel must be taken forward
to the burner tube, by the auger. When fuel has been added according to section 2.1,
please press START and hold it for 1 to 2 minutes (the auger is running), then press
STOP. Check the amount of fuel in the burner tube, by opening the boiler door.
(See fig. 3)
The burner tube must be ¼ to ½ filled up, depending on
type of fuel. See to that the fuel is equally distributed in
the lower part of the burner tube.
Fig. 3 - Burner tube